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You were walking home from school as it started to rain. "Ugh" you mumbled as you pulled your hood over your head. A car driving down the street slowed down as it got closer to you. Someone rolled the window down "HAHA the little bitch wishes she had a car to drive in!" The voice came from the most popular guy in school and  the laughter came from the crew of cheerleaders. As they laughed and drove off they hit a puddle which splashed you. You trudged home in your soaked through hoodie and jeans as another car came down the street. The car pulled over next to you and a tall male with brown hair swept over his eyes approached you. "Hey, do you need a ride? he called out. You thought you recognized him so you responded "Sure that would be great". As you got in the car you finally asked him "Do I know you from somewhere?" He began to drive down the street "Yeah I'm Tyler. I go to your school and we have every class together". You were shocked and you felt bad for never noticing him "Oh my gosh, I am so sorry. You're just.... umm.... quiet it's hard to notice you..." your face turned red. "Haha it's fine. I'm just the quiet guy no one notices and I'm fine with that. I'm a lot more popular online." You were confused "What do you mean?" "Oh I'm a YouTuber. Ever heard of Deadlox?" You suddenly remember "Wait you're THE Deadlox? I love your videos!" you exclaimed trying not to sound like a fangirl. "Thanks it's always cool to meet a fan." As you two chatted about YouTube and Minecraft you exchanged numbers. 

~~~6 months later~~~

You and Ty had become really close friends and spent almost every minute together. You had developed a crush on him and were planning on telling him. One day you were at his house playing Minecraft and filming a few videos. When he was editing one of the videos and you were playing on your laptop you decided it was a good time to tell him how you felt. "Hey Ty.... can I tell you something" you said as your heart raced. "Yea what's up" he looked up at you. "Look we've been friends for a long time now and well... I really like you.. I mean I like you as a friend but..." You stuttered and couldn't find the right words to say so you blushed and looked down. Ty lifted your face to look at you in the eyes "I know what you're trying to say" Ty said as he kissed you. He pulled away and smiled "Will you be my girlfriend?'' You laughed and blushed "Of course" you kissed him again. The rest is up to you <3

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