I Killed Someone And I Liked It!

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(Y/n) POV

I woke up to the sound of yelling and beeping and to the smell of smoke and achohol. Ah, smells like hell, my favorite. I got up and got dressed and saw my brother smoking and drinking beer while yelling at a video game. I rolled my eyes, seeing my pathetic excuse for a college-drop-out brother. He's not allowed to drink yet, not because he isn't old enough, but because my parents won't let him and every time they smell smoke or beer they think it's me. My brother is the "angel" of the family while I'm the fucked up disapointment. Well, to them I am.

 I silently walked out, so no one could hear me. I got into my parents car and drove off, normally they would kill me buuuuut they're at a funeral today and they got caught by the law for havingno license so they had to ride with my dads friend. My dads friends mom passed away ooooooor someone accidentaly runned over her and drove off before anyone could see the driver....OK FINE I KILLED HER! BUT BY ACCIDENT I SWEAR!....but I was happy that she was gone, she's the main reason why my parents are fucked up. 

Anyway, I got to school. It was a glorious day. It was raining, clouds were everywhere, people smoking and drinking around the school so they can polute the air, freshman kids getting pushed around by the seniors, it's heaven. I got to my locker pretty easy, the girls were probably getting pregnant with their boyfriends in the bathroom so they can't bully me. Luckily I have a strong bladder...yeah that isn't the best thing to brag about..anyways. 

I got to class and sat at the back, of course my best friend is there. Now, I know what you're thinking..OMG YOU HAVE FRIENDS?!?! Well, technically were human beings that both suffer some of the same bullshit that life throws at us and for some reason were still alive and we happened to be partners on a project one day and we actually ended up smiling for once in our life. Though I was always looking forward to seeing him, me and him are the only sane ones here. I sat down in the seat, my "friend" didn't notice me because he had his headphones blasting in his ears. Typical.

"TAY TAY!" I yelled in his ear and he stopped the music. He took off his headphones and gave me the 'bitch, I know you didn't just do dat' face and I smirked. He hated being called tay tay. "(Y/n) you have 5 seconds to tell me why you just called me that.." he said in a evil tone. "wellllll I have great news!" I say cracking a smile. He gasps. "You? Great news? Smiling?....oh god is the world ending?!" he said in a fake scared tone. I rolled my eyes and punched him in the arm. "no dumbass..I killed my fathers friends mother!" I said outloud. 


I saw the son of my fathers friend look at me. I gulped and I saw taylor running away. "TAY TAY DON'T LEAVE ME YOU COWARD!" I yelled but he kept running. I gulped and saw billy -my dads friend son- slowly walk up to me. "U-uhm..B-billy! H-hows it goin? Y-ya look g-great!" I said nervously. 

He threw a punch at me, but I dodged it. I got up and started running like there was no tomorrow, but that might actually be true since billy knows what happened to his grandmother. I kept running and running until I got to my car. I had a spare key just in case anything like this ever happened. What? With the hell I've been through you think I wouldn't have a spare key? 

Billy was close to "my" car until I put the key in gear..but the things is...I accidentaly did the wrong thing and hit billy. I was to busy to check and see if he was ok so instead, I started driving away.

 "OH GOD! I KILLED BILLY!....SCREW YOU BILLY! BURN IN HELL MOTHERFUCKER!" I yelled while I stuck my face out of the car window and put my tongue out like a dog. Wow, I didn't know killing people was fun.

And that's it for this chapter! Yeah, darkiplier wasn't in this chapter but he will be in one! I just thought of giving a little background info ya know? anyway, if you liked this chapter and want to read more, tell me in the comments below and don't be scared to hit that voting star! I can't wait to see you in the next chapter! Bye!

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