1. "I Won't Let You Fall" || MikaYuu

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Let's just say I really wanted to do a few drabbles and discovered prompts that I wanted to try. They are from different sources. I had fun writing this one. The prompt made me think of ice skating and I thought why not make Mika and Yuu go on an ice skating date. It's romantic XD Plus, Mika and Yuu are my OTP for Owari no Seraph. XD I love them sooooo much it pulls at my heart strings some times xD



Yuu despised ice skating. It was a give considering he had a traumatic experience with ice and skates. Therefore, he despised it. However, he forced himself to deal with it because Mika had put his heart and soul into this date and they had only been going out for two months. Movies dates were common the first month and then when it came to month two, Yuu and Mika started to not want to go to movies anymore.

Solution: A romantic candlelit dinner with ice skating at then end.

And Yuu... he couldn't say 'no'. There was no way around it. Mika was too good for him. Waaaaaaaay too good. How exactly did he end up with someone so romantic and sweet, he had no idea.

Well, now they were at the ice skating rink and Yuuichirou sat on the bench as Mikaela gracefully slid on the ice with his skates on. Yuu wanted to turn away but he couldn't. He wanted to call Mika a show off and it was true. The blonde haired teen was definitely showing off. Did he have a lot of practice? Of course he did. He must go ice skating a lot with his friends. What were their names? Rene and Lacus?

Weird dudes... Yuu thought, remembering the first time he had met Lacus and Rene. They were definitely on the right side of weird. Very weird. Then again his friends were weird. Yoiichi was the normal one at least that's what Yuu had come to notice. Shinoa was a sneaky sly bitch with a smile that easily meant she was up to something no good. Mitsuba always lecture Shinoa and blushed whenever Yuu tried to talk to her or even compliment her. The girl had a crush on him. That wasn't going to go unnoticed by Yuu at all.

Sighing, Yuu managed to finish putting on his skates and stood up. He thought he was going to fall over, walking on these things. He swallowed and placed his hand on the railing and held to it tightly. He wasn't going to let go. At all.

Mika had noticed and came up behind him. "Come on Yuu," He urged the raven who jump at the suddeness of Mika's appearance.

"Would ya stop coming up from behind me like that!" Yuu screeched, blushing with embarrassment. "A-And give me a second, I want to try letting go of this thing first." He made up the excuse but didn't let go even thought he had truly want to let go. He wanted to cling to something other than a railing. Mika chuckled. Yuu shot a glare at the blonde.

"What's so funny? Don't laugh! I-I'm serious."

"Yuu, take my hand." Mika softly pressed on. "I won't let you fall." He promised. At this point Yuu was ready to regret his decision of letting go because he did. He let go and then clung to Mika's jacket. He felt the other boy's arms wrap around him in a tight protective embrace. Yuu blushed again. Yup, this is happening. Yuu felt Mika maneuver himself so that they were standing side by side. "Just follow my lead." Mika advised and Yuu nodded.

All he could think about was Shinoa teasing him about this. He could imagine him being teased and poked in the face. It made him forget about his fear and he was soon ice skating with Mika. Yuu smiled and took Mika's hand, moving his feet right foot and then left. Laughing and talking. Maybe falling a few times but he was over it. Mika had made him feel safe and he was just having fun.

This date was perfect.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 27, 2018 ⏰

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