The Rocky Horror Klaine Show, part one

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Hey, this is the first fanfic I wrote. Basically it's set in Kurt's room and he and Blaine are just watching movies together! Reviews would be great, please don't be too harsh. NO HOMOPHOBES ALLOWED Enjoy!


Kurt and Blaine had gotten so close over the past few weeks of knowing eachother that Kurt sometimes wondered whether they could ever become more than friends. However he always tried to bury these feelings as Kurt was never sure of Blaine's true feelings - one day they'd be singing a flirty duet (Which Kurt had been /sure/ Blaine was staring at his lips throughout) the next he'd be lovesick over some guy with too much hair!

"So," Blaine interrupted Kurt's trail of thought. "What movie are we watching tonight?"

Kurt thrust 'Rocky Horror Picture Show' into Blaine's lap, indicating for him to put it on.


"Ugh, Janet is such a whore!" Blaine whined.

"Blaine, you're only saying that because you have an unhealthy crush on Rocky... Which may I add is rather creepy, especially when Sam Evans could pass for his twin!" Kurt replied, amused at how defensive Blaine could be.

"What gay kid doesn't like an innocent niave guy in gold shorts?" Blaine snorted, then suddenly grew quiet. "... And no way, Sam isn't my type." Blaine shifted, straughtening his bow-tie, and suddenly very intrested in Dr Frank'n'Furter have his wicked way with the couple.

"... So... What is your type?" Kurt asked, curiously.

Blaine paused for a moment, shifting his weight around a little, clearly feeling unsettled.

"I-I don't know." Blaine laughed nervously. "Someone who isn't afraid to be different, they have to share my huge love of fashion, a-and they have to have a voice that compliments my own." Blaine smiled to himself, but wouldn't keep eye contact with Kurt.

'I love fashion, heck, I'm a fashion queen. Aaaand mine and Blaine's voices sound perfect together- No, NO! Stop this!' Kurt shouted to himself. 'Why would someone as magnificent as Blaine ever be interested in someone like /me/?'

"Huh." Kurt mumbled.

Blaine grabbed Kurt's hand and jumped up. "LETS DO THE TIME WARP, AGAIN!" Blaine screamed like an over-excited child.

*it's just a jump to the left* ... They both motioned to the left, taking their dance seriously. Although Kurt couldn't help but giggle at Blaine's attempt at the routine - clearly he wasn't as well practiced at this as much as Kurt was.

Blaine's legs tangled together and he fell on top of Kurt.

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