3: Just Like The Moon

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Sneaking out of school in the middle of the day was the easy part, but the walk home would be the difficult part, and then when they arrived there, it would be somehow worse, at least that's what they were both expecting.

The walk from school to Harry's house was long and quiet, but both boys felt like they needed it to be quiet right now. They needed to be together, in each other's company, but completely silent for the moment, they needed it to be calm right now, because they both knew that when they sat down and talked about this, it would be far too loud, and they both wanted to hold off on it for as long as possible and bathe in the silence.

But the silence meant more time to think, but neither of the two could think straight. Harry's head felt like it was screwed on backwards, trying to find the right words to ask, and Louis was trying to find answers to questions that would be shot at him when they got to Harry's bedroom.

They both needed to clear their heads, take their mind off it for the moment, but neither of the two were willing enough to disrupt the quiet ocean the were floating by in, but they both knew that it would be Louis, it was always Louis who ripped the silence apart first.

"What do you think the moon is made of?" Louis asked, a completely meaningless question, but it disrupted their thoughts and Harry found himself thankful for it.

Harry took a while in his response, not giving an answer until they turned onto Harry's street, with just a couple more blocks to walk before the arrived at their destination.

"Dust," Harry said, his hands balled into loose fists in his pockets, wishing the tension in his body would loosen up as well.

"What else?"

"More dust," Harry answered, this time a lot quicker. His answers didn't mean anything, the question didn't mean anything, this conversation didn't mean anything, but to both of them, it was a distraction, and so it meant absolutely everything.

Louis nodded, Harry seeing only out of the corner of his eye, the boy with the blue eyes that haunts his mind constantly, the boy who would always be there for Harry, and they bother knew it, just the same as Harry would always be there for Louis.

They haunted each other, they crept into each other's dark corners of the world and they brought each other light, and they were all they would ever need, it just took time for them to build enough courage for them to admit it to each other and themselves.

"What are you made of?" Louis continued, asking pointless questions with no backbone to hold them up, but if you could hold them up, the light would tell you that they were fake. The questions were fake. They faked calmness, they gave an illusion that the conversation would not head south.

"Bones," Harry mumbled, but Louis shook his head, watching his feet as they moved below him, distracting his eyes from the other's face.

"No," Louis mumbled, "stardust, just like the moon."

Harry didn't understand what Louis was trying to say, but he didn't continue the conversation as he didn't know how to respond, however, they had arrived at Harry's house now, and the conversation had to end anyway, so a new one could begin.

Harry fumbled with his keys for a moment, before unlocking the door and the two made their way in, Louis looking around the familiar walls, having spent more time here than at his own house.

They climbed the stairs, a tension between them, a fear-filled air they were trapped in but they would have to learn to deal with it, they had to deal with the uncomfortable energy, this was important.

They sat beside each other on Harry's bed, the same way they did when Louis' heart exploded, when he realised he had fallen in love with the boy beside him just over two weeks ago now, a moment he missed and craved to live in again, but this moment, right here and right now, was a very different moment. He was scared- terrified, they both were. The truth was terrifying.

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