chapter 1

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I went I to a room with all the professors were and........the sorting hat?
"Harry it's time for your classification but I was told when you born yours would be special"said headmaster Dumbledore
"You will sit and put on the hat potter" said shape
So I sat and put on the hat they said there were categories leader,pet,neutrals,guardians,and little
The hat took a while then yelled
everyone had a look of shock on there face including me as became toddler size
Then the hat yelled "guardian will be.........SNAPE
"What"me and snape questioned
"Harry you within the next week will get the mind of a toddler and need a guardian and the hat has chosen professor snape as your guardian"said Dumbledore
"But I'm 17 not 2" harry said
"Like I said you will get the mind of a toddler so you will need a new parent"explained Dumbledore
"Then why don' you let me go back to the dursley's" asked harry
"I will not let you go back there" Harry was shocked it was snape who spoke
"Why" harry questioned. Why did he care
"I saw your memories in 3 year there was nothing I could do ,but I'm your guardian and I now have a very loving a protect nature towards you pot....Harry" explained snape
"I will bring him the the hospital wing you can get a cot a swing and other thing he will need" he told Dumbledore
I was smaller then a toddler more like a one year old. we went to a room with toys,blankets,pacifier.
"Pick 3 items" said snape
"Ok" I said and walked around until my hand felt something soft it was a stuffed wolf with a sweater leash and harness I picked it up then picked up a baby blue blanket. Then I saw pacifiers and oddly wanted one I ran as fast as my little legs could go then.....bump'...I fell head first into the floor. Now I know what they ment by mind of a toddler I started crying. I stayed there and before I started to get up snape come and picked me up. He held me to his chest and rubbed my back. Soon I calmed down he put me on the floor and crawled towards the pacifiers and picked up a dark blue one. Then I put in in my mouth. I crawled over to snape as a nurse came in with a diaper,bottle,overalls, and a blue shirt. She gave them to me I shook my head. I'm 17 I'm not wearing those. "Pot...Harry put them on" snape commanded. I knew there was no point in fighting it. I went to the bathroom and changed when I got back snape was holding a bottle."there is no way I'm drinking that" I told him.
"Yes you will harry" snape said
"We are going to the dungeon, you will drink this bottle then you will take a nap, and tomorrow at breakfast we will announce you are a little" said snape
On our way there snape started talking "harry because I'm your guardian for well......ever you can call me anything you want you want!" Said snape I think he is blushing but I can't tell
"can I call you daddy" I asked I know my face was bright red
"Of course, I became I'm your guardian I have to love you it's just a feeling you get as soon as you are chosen" he said
We got back
"I'll show you your room" snape said

If you want!" Said snape I think he is blushing but I can't tell"can I call you daddy" I asked I know my face was bright red"Of course, I became I'm your guardian I have to love you it's just a feeling you get as soon as you are chosen" he saidWe ...

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"I love it. Thank you daddy" without realizing I called him daddy

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