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Normani's P.O.V:

"Normani keep your feet pointed, always remember that stance is key!" My coach yells from the sidelines as he meticulously observes our form for any imperfections. I take a deep breath and focus on my posture and stretch out my spine as I go through my beam routine. The beams feels cool to the touch against my feet and it calms my senses a bit. I split leap then pirouette easily since this is a basic routine that I've known since I was 10, I'm just going through the motions at this point. I prepare to dismount and do a back-handspring, My left foot finds solid footing but my right is off the beam and within a few seconds I find myself staring at the lights above me then an overcast of my coach hovering over me in disapproval. I smile for an apology and he just rolls his eyes and helps me to my feet. "I'm not sure if you'll qualify for the national team with moves like that unless there's a team specifically for award-winning falls" he smiles through his witty sarcasm and I shake my head in response.

"Sorry Coach Simon I'm just out of it today won't happen again" I try to reassure him despite my nerves. In a week I'll be trying out for the national team and I've never been so nervous in my life, this has been everything I've ever worked for and in less than eight days I'll have my first opportunity. 

"You better hope so, now go join the others and work on your floor routine" my coach says and I don't even try to hide my grin as I jog over to the spring-floor. It combines both dance and music so whenever I have the chance I always manage to find a way to practice. I run behind my best friend, instantly spotting her long dark hair from across the room and cover her eyes giddily. 

"Oh thank god somebody turned off the lights, now I can finally sleep" Lauren mumbles and I roll my eyes at the emerald eyed girl's sarcasm, still keeping her eyes covered with my hands. "I don't know how you can come here so early for practice everyday Normz, this should be consider illegal" Lauren snarks and I can practically feel the glare she's giving in Coach Simon's direction.

"Oh c'mon Laurenza it's not that bad, sure it's 5 in the morning but you get to spend this glorious early morn with me" I say, trying to sway her into a more positive mood since Lauren is anything but a morning person. 

"You're lucky I'm your best friend in the whole wide world otherwise I would be in my bed on this god-awful morning" she says before finally removing my hands over her eyes to pull me into a quick hug. "Oh and please sedate Ally I don't think I can tolerate another minute of her, I swear she must be from another planet to be so cheerful at this hour" Lauren snipes and I can't help but laugh aloud as I see my other best friend happily chatting away with another member of our gym after completing her floor warm up.

"If I do that then we won't have anyone to make us brownie sundaes and that girl would be the worst" I quickly retort and Lauren's expression immediately changes at the mention of food.

"Good point. Gosh a brownie sundae sounds like a dream right now" Lauren says dreamily and I nod in agreement.

"Girls you'll have the rest of the day to drool over sweets, focus on your sets! We don't have day here! Chop chop!" Coach Simon screams from across the gymnasiums in a teasing tone and we both roll our eyes simultaneously and face towards the line in front of the spring floor. Looks like this is gonna be an extra long practice.

 Camila's P.O.V:

"Karla! Niña necesito que trabajes hoy, bien?" My aunt says as she gathers her things so she can leave for work.

"It's Camila, y tia bien" I reply back quickly with a slight eye-roll since she still calls me by my first name as she goes through the door locking it behind her. I work with my aunt Elaine at her clinic. She started out as a lone physical therapist visiting homes in between jobs and now she's a proud owner of one of the most successful physical therapy/rehabilitation clinics in the city. We house patients as well as incoperate treatment into their daily lives making our success rates and length of treatment much higher than our competitors. I go to make a bowl of cereal so I can have breakfast before meeting my aunt at her business. I've worked there for over a year and now so I know the ins and outs of the trade. I've done so well that they've assigned me to do one-on-one patient care for a few of our younger patients. 

I pull up to the clinic and shut off my car, ed sheerans's vocals immediately dissipate and I lock the car behind me as walk towards the entrance still humming the melody of A Team. As soon as I enter the wind is knocked out of me as a flash of blonde locks cross my view. Next thing I know Dinah has me in a tight hug and I immediately respond back squeezing her just as tight. 

"Cami, where have you been? The day I come to visit you is the day you decide to be 30 minutes late?" Dinah asks once she loosens her grip a bit. 

"Sorry, I grabbed some cereal then next thing I knew I was searching tumblr and 20 minutes late. Now come and follow me so I can show you everything you'll need to know for volunteering" I say while maneuvering my way through the halls with Dinah on my tail. I take her on a short tour even though she knows the clinic  pretty well as I have to check many areas in the building to make sure they are up to par. "And lastly the break room" I say as Dinah plops onto a chair in a dramatic fashion.

"Finally that took forever, and you know I know this place well I don't know why you insist taking me on a tour every time I stop by" Dinah complains and I laugh in response.

"Well doing my daily rounds and checkups are more fun with someone with me and I figure a reminder of everything could only do you good Di" I say before walking over to the water cooler, grabbing one for each of us. On the TV is the morning news and we watch while sipping on our waters. A few girls doing a routine flash on the screen and Dinah's scream almost causes me to spill my water on my lap. The last thing I need is for that to happen again since my coworkers all teased me saying that I'd peed myself last time.

"Those are the girls that our trying out for the national team to go to the Olympics! Remember the one that I told you I met at my dance practice?" I nod with vague recognition of the conversation. "We should watch it together, they just said they'll televise it next week in the morning" Dinah says in excitement and I shrug, I don't know much about gymnastics but seeing as I made Dinah watch the notebook 17 times last summer I owe her. 

"Which one is the girl you met again?" I ask while watching the reporter interview the girls about their upcoming tryouts.

"That's her! Her name is Normani, she can really dance and if she's eligible for the Olympics she must be amazing" Dinah finishes and I look at the girl on the screen. She looks to be around our age, with a great smile and a look of determination and excitement in her eyes.  "Cami, hey Cami!" Dinah says and I come back to my senses turning to face her, my gaze leaving the TV. "You zoned out there for a second. But hopefully we can catch her performance in the morning before you go to work, I really want to see what she and the others can do" Dinah says and I nod along, now more interested in it than before.

"So do you want to come over and watch it at my house, I've got bananas plus gymnastics is pretty cool." Dinah says while reaching into her pocket and unwrapping a candy bar. I steal it from her hands before tearing off a small piece and handing it back to her while she glares at me.

"Bananas as well? That's it, I'm in!" I say with a smile, noticing I still have the thought of Dinah's new dance friend in my head. I've never been much into sports or anything consider athletic at all, which makes Dinah's and I's friendship all that more random but it ends up working out. 

"It's not like you had a choice anyway" Dinah says arrogantly teasing and I just laugh in response, my best friend is unique to say the least.

+ New Story! This will most likely be both Normani and Camila's POV equally, this is just a preview to the story and it's set with both of them being 17 during the summer from the start. Comment and suggest if you have any requests and just for anything really :).

+ Hey ya'll! I've been gone for so long and all I can say is sorry. This story has been in my head since May but I've only wrote out major parts and no connecting details. I hope ya'll will like it and for future guidance, I will never not finish a fic. That's a promise but sometimes I get too busy to really finish writing a chapter and I don't want to post something half done, so I'll eventually finish any story I start,. Hope everyone had a good holiday and is enjoying they're break! So that's all I have for now so... byeeee! 

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