Vicious Cycle

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Everyone has their fair share of bad relationships. Sometimes both persons lose feelings for each other and it becomes a mutual agreement to breakup. Often times one person loses interest and feelings for the other and someone gets their heart broken. Then things get nasty. And things get harsh and rude and hateful.

Along with relationships, friendships can go bad too. Someone who used to be your best friend, someone who you could have confidence in, suddenly isn't there anymore. Suddenly all of the secrets aren't secrets anymore. It happens in the blink of an eye and often times, it ends over something so minuscule that it's actually infuriating.

And sometimes, those demons from the past come up and make it hard to put trust into someone that could possibly be a good candidate. For love, for friendship, for just some sort of companionship. But do we let them in?

Of course not.

Because then we become vulnerable and criticism of any sort can be devastating. We fear that being close to anyone only gives them the opportunity for them to harm us in

such an intimate way.

Many people do this and I, myself, am a victim and felon to this behavior. How does one break free from this constant fear? I've been told that I need to "take a chance," but what if it ends badly? Then it becomes a waste of time. It becomes another reason to not let people in, but shutting everyone out can be lonely.

How does one break free of this vicious cycle?


So this is my first entry and I don't know why I decided to write about this. It just sort of happened.

But please feel free to comment thoughts and feelings.

I love criticism. Especially of the constructive variety.


Ann Sone.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 12, 2014 ⏰

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