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*Dinah added Lauren, Normani, Ally, and Camila in a chat*

Dinah: hey guys!

Ally: Dinah what is this?

Dinah: well Fifth Harmony is finally on a hiatus sooooo

Normani: soo what?

Dinah: we can be friends with Camila again..?

Ally: Dinah I don't know if that's a good idea. I mean we both kinda went out separate ways. The drama was super petty, we even threw lots of shade towards her

Lauren: yeah what makes you think that Camila wants to be friends again? Can we still get into trouble texting her???

Normani: she isn't even answering. You think that maybe her management made her stop talking to us too?

Dinah: it was worth a try.....

*30 minutes later*

Camila: hi.....

Dinah: Mila! I thought you were ignoring us :(

Camila: No I was just performing. What did I miss?

Ally; we wanted to say hi

Camila: lol, leave it to you to try and make the awkward. Seriously what is this? I thought you guys hated me. If this is a chat to just roast me I don't want to be apart of this.

Normani: Camila we never hated you..

Camila: really? bc you guys are always saying bad shit and throwing shade. I'm over that shit but seriously if you "didn't hate me" why do it?

Ally: remember how management was always pushing us and how they were always putting you in the spotlight? They did it to become more famous. Everyone loved you so when you left everything kind of fell apart. They wanted to make you look bad. They were so mad when you left they made us pretend that you hurt us.


Normani: you don't believe us do you?

Camila: I mean I want to

Dinah: Come on girl. We were friends for so long. You gotta know deep inside that we never meant to hurt you. With that can we be friends again?

Ally: Dinah!

Dinah: what?

Ally: shouldn't we say sorry first? Yes it isn't our fault but it still happened. Plus there are our rules if we become friends again. Our management will kill all 5 of us if the public finds out that we are talking again.

Lauren: Camila, we're sorry about all this and honestly we are so proud of what you have done as a solo artist. Tbh when we were alone we would watch you perform together

Normani: ^^^

Dinah: ^^^

Ally: yeah! You should have seen it Lauren was stunned about how amazing you are.

Camila: awww guys!!! I want to forgive you guys but all of it really did hurt. I do want to try and work it all out though.

Lauren: I feel like it's been long enough that if we ever need to talk about it we can like adults.

Normani: Yes and not throw shade or be petty

Dinah: OT5?

Camila: yes

Lauren: This made me really happy

Normani: I think it made all of us happy

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