Chapter Three - Arctus

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Kaoh was snoring again. Two hours had passed since the debriefing, and the tall martial artist had decided that staying alert for the mission start was less important than his beauty sleep. Mirai had been less than happy.

The ceiling stared blankly at Arctus as he lay on his back in the upper bunk of the bunk bed he shared with Kaoh, the room also occupied by the other members of the Imperium. As an elite unit, they fought together, ate together, slept together. Much to Mirai's displeasure. The female in question was hunched over her personal desk at one corner of the room, a table lamp illuminating the grey metal table as she scribbled something down in a small notebook, most likely equations and other such scientific scrawling. She was still a scientist at heart.

Viridi was following Kaoh's example and was catching a quick sleep. However, the older man harboured the incredible ability of slipping into sleep in an instant and snapping awake just as fast, so Mirai felt no need to complain. Arctus could see that she was holding back from grabbing a pillow and throwing it at Kaoh's snoring form by the way her scribblings were being projected onto the notebook faster and with more force than usual.

Deci was nowhere to be seen. The soldier usually spent his time outside of the room the Imperium shared as he had friends in practically every conceivable section of the Avon Military, so was always occupied. The guy was responsible enough to make it to the mission on time if he wasn't back, so Mirai didn't get on his case. Unlike Kaoh.

Mirai's job wasn't the most desirable, but it suited her well. Arctus wasn't sure if that was a good thing or a bad thing.

Arctus started as the wireless earpiece nestled within his right ear clicked into life, the voice of the officer that had debriefed them previously speaking right into his ear. Mirai had already dropped everything and was standing up, hand cupped over her ear to listen better, as was the magically awake and standing Viridi. Kaoh started to snore louder.

"Drones have detected a large enemy force approaching the portal. It must be the battalion. Estimated ETA, 15 minutes. Prepare for launch."

The message cut off with a faint click. Mirai was already at the door by the time the transmission ended, the plain grey sheet of metal retracting upwards into the doorframe. Arctus sighed quietly and swung his legs over the side of his bed, dropping the short distance down to the floor before turning and flicking Kaoh's nose. The blonde jerked awake, sputtering, a string of drool connecting the side of his mouth with his pillow.


"It's time," Arctus quickly cut him off. "Get suited up." He was already making for the door by the time he was done talking. Mirai was still waiting for them, and Viridi had gone ahead. Kaoh slowly levered himself into a sitting position, yawning profusely. When he blinked the sleep from his eyes, Arctus and Mirai were gone. The blank door met his blank stare.

"You asswipes! Don't leave me here!" Kaoh barked after them, scrambling to his feet and hurriedly darting for the door. Down the hallway outside, Arctus sniggered softly. Mirai hushed him.


The main base of the Avon Military was known as the Avon Flower, and it was so large and well defended it doubled as both the Royal Avon Monarch residence and the Exaria Corporation's main production facility. It resembled a massive, angular dull-grey metal lotus that reached up into the sky, its tallest points reaching the heights of skyscrapers. It was the size of a small city, a marvel of advanced engineering all made possible thanks to Avium, an element with uses in all forms. Extremely durable but relatively lightweight as metal, capable of withstanding high temperatures while remaining cool as liquid, able to be superheated and channeled through emitters to create what was essentially plasma. It was used in almost everything due to this versatility, and it was no different for the military.

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