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Back in their room Yoongi smiled at Jimin before walking over to the fridge, they had bought for their room a couple of months ago, since Jimin had plastered Yoongi about, how he really wanted to have some food as close to his bed as possible.

"Want some coke or ice tea?" he offered as he grabbed a drink and opened it in a swift motion, before taking a big gulp of it.

"Can I take a sip of yours?" Jimin shyly asked as he sat down on the couch, hugging his legs blankly staring at the TV in front of him.

"Stand up!" Jimin flinched at the angry voice and tried to get up as quickly as he possibly could, only to be pushed of the cushion, because he took to long. He landed on the cold floor. His tailbone hurt, but nevertheless he bit back any sound of discomfort, rubbing his hip, where he had hit the ground. He didn't want to anger Beom, who made himself comfortable on the couch, any further.

"Stop looking at me like an injured dog. I know you're not better than one, but at least try to act like you are a decent human being. Also those are just the consequences of what you did. Don't act like I'm treating you unfairly. Do you have an idea how much you hurt me when you tried to stop me earlier? You make it seem like I'm raping you or something, even though you know damn well that your mine and that I can do whatever I want to with you..."

Nodding slowly, turned around to face the TV. Once again he bit his tongue to hold back a sob, tears burning in his eyes. That's when a pillow hit the back of his head. "Here that's for you."

Confused Jimin looked down at the pillow carefully taking it into his hold. Warmth spread through Jimin's body, his heart fluttering at the kind gesture.

It was at moments like these that Jimin felt loved by his boyfriend. The love he was feeling, kept him from realizing both his body and soul were slowly crumbling.

Lost in memories of his past, Jimin didn't notice Yoongi approaching before dropping down on the sofa, next to the antsy boy. Jimin flinched a frightened look in his eyes, when he looked up at Yoongi.

"Shhhhh it's just me..." Yoongi cooed softly, reaching his hand out and soothingly running it over Jimin's shoulder. "Just me." He scooted a bit closer, to wrap his arm around Jimin's shoulder before carefully rubbing the anxious boy's back.

Although it had already been months, Jimin still seemed to be really jumpy, whenever he spent too much time alone with his thoughts. Beom sure had left behind a lot of pain and injuries that took longer to heal than those visible, but Yoongi had no problem with that. He would gladly be Jimin's personal nurse, if that was what he needed. Hell even if those scars were to never heal entirely Yoongi was certain that he would spent the rest of his life with the boy, even if it meant never getting to touch him and just being there for him.

"Yoongi..." The younger boy's voice, was just a quiet sob, that made Yoongi's heart sting.

Slowly in order not to startle him, Yoongi wrapped his arms around Jimin pulling him into a tight hug, which resulted in Jimin sitting down on his lap burying his face in Yoongi's Pullover, before startling and pulling away again. It took Yoongi's seconds to realize what was wrong. Notice the way Jimin's eyes were frightenedly trained on the tear stains he had left on the piece of clothing. Jimin searched the room with his eyes, looking distressed."I'm so sorry... I didn't mean to... I will go get a towel or something to wipe this off..." When he tried to get up, to go search for the towel, Yoongi held in place.

He expected Yoongi to snap at him for ruining his sweater, just like Beom would have done, but all the boy did was smile sadly and pulling Jimin as close to him as possible again. "You don't have to. If ruining my sweater is what it takes to dry your tears, you can have every single piece of clothing I own, if it makes you feel just a bit better."

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