Hanging Out

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              "Miss Titania, do you have a moment?" Psy's voice rings out in the Mawile's room. The ground was littered with water bottles and various dumbbells were scattered on a dark gray training mat. Her question was met with silence, which made her curious. She looked around the room and spotted Titania lying on her bed, her eyes closed with a relaxed expression on her face. Psy slowly walked up to the content Mawile and gently prodded her with one of her fingers. As soon as the Gardevoir made contact, Titania's eyes shot open and her small frame quickly sat up.

"Huh? What?" Titania alertly questioned, looking up at the disturbance. As soon she saw it was Psy, her expression softened. "Oh, hey Psy. What's up?"

Psy cleared her throat and adjusted her glasses, looking down at her clipboard once more. "We are needed in an hour to help train the newcomers. Does that time conflict with your own schedule ma'am?" She repeated. Titania looked up as to ponder the thought then finally shook her head.

"Nah, I'm good to go." She casually responded. "Also cut the formal shit. We're good friends, right?" Titania looked up to Psy, who nodded.

"Terribly sorry m-Titania." Psy apologized, catching herself near the end of her sentence. Titania waved a hand dismissively, putting Psy at ease.

"No need to apologize. It's fine, really." She reassured her friend. Titania hopped off her twin sized bed and started picking up the mess on her floor. The room was quiet aside from the soft crunches of plastic being thrown away. Titania was the first to talk as to break the silence. "So...wanna just hang out for now?" Psy calmly nodded, Titania catching the smallest tinge of a smile on her face

"That would be rather pleasant, yes." Psy accepted Titania's invitation, a big grin setting itself on the Mawile's face.

"Awesome!" She exclaimed, throwing the last bottle into a trashbag. "Just gimme a sec to clean up a bit." She moves onto the weights, easily picking them up one by one and setting them in a corner of her room. She smiled at a job well done and grabbed Psy's hand to lead her out the room, completely ignoring the other messy parts of the room.

After half an hour, the pair was sitting together on a hill not far off from the guild, enjoying a nice lunch. Titania was devouring a rather large burger is a somewhat messy fashion. Psy, on the other hand, was quietly eating a Hondew berry-ham crepe, carefully cutting it with her fork. They idly chatted with each other, Titania cracking a joke every once in a while to see if she could make her solemn associate smile, but to no avail. After a few more failed attempts, she finally gave up and finished her food, tossing the last of the burger into the mouth on the back of her head. Once Psy finished her meal, they both stood up and stretched, preparing to head back to the guild. As they were beginning to walk, Titania perked up, a discontent expression on her face. This action caught Psy's attention and she looked over at her friend.

"Is everything alright? You seem bothered."

"Yeah, yeah I'm fine it's just..."

"Just what?"

"Err...my back feels weird."

Titania waved her hand around the general area, and a certain detail caught Psy's attention: she was waving over the giant scar on her back.

"It's like that whole area there." Titania said, trying to look behind her to see Psy. The Gardevoir thought of the possibilities of why it could be hurting when it suddenly hit her. She put a hand on Titania's scar, causing her short body to jolt in surprise.

"Your scar. You're feeling pain that isn't there." Psy told her friend.

"Oh yeah, I guess that makes sense"

"Hold still, I'm going to see if I can soothe it." As Psy said this, she put both her hands to the tissue, gently kneading it with her fingers. This action made Titania let out a relaxed groan.

"Ooh yeah that hits the spot. Right there." She purred, allowing the muscles in her body to relax. Even her extra mouth was giving a toothy smile. Psy continued her massage, moving from area to area on the scar tissue. She could feel Titania relaxing beneath her finger, and she would be lying if she said this wasn't cute. She moved on to the scar on her other mouth, which let out a deep purr. Titania was sitting down now, completely relaxed. Psy, on the other hand, had a faint blush on her face. This was an admittedly intimate gesture that she only realized now. She could practically feel the heat off of Titania's body. She was used to being close to the Mawile, but never this close. Her heart was pounding and the protrusion from her chest grew slightly redder. She looked at the scar she was massaging and a small idea creeped into her mind.

Maybe I could just... she thought to herself, leaning closer to the scar. She might not notice if I...


She quickly and lightly pressed her lips to the scar and pecked it. Unfortunately, Titania noticed, and she perked up. She looked behind her, not in anger or fierceness, but with surprise and confusion. Psy, realizing too late what had just occurred, felt her face burn from embarrassment.

"Psy...? Did you just-" Titania started, but was soon cut off by Psy standing up in a hurry. She adjusted her glasses and made a note to cover her face with her clipboard.

"Let us head back to the guild..." She quickly stammered out, turning to the guild with haste. She was about to walk back when Titania grabbed her hand.

"Hold on!" She exclaimed, catching Psy off guard. The Gardevoir looked over her shoulder. Looking Psy in the eyes now made Titania's heart skip a beat, but she quickly shook it off. "Hey, it's okay if you did. I don't mind, really."

Psy averted her eyes from the Mawile, looking back to the guild. She took a deep breath, then finally spoke up.

"It's not fine." She softly said, sitting down in the grass. "I...I should have warned you, or at least conveyed my intention. What I did was completely inexcusable and unprofe-" Psy was cut off when Titania pull her hand toward herself and looked at it, her intention unclear. Psy's heart skipped a beat, and she no longer bothered to cover her face. Her lavender eyes, despite still looking calm on the surface, conveyed a feeling of surprise. Titania looked at the hand in hers. That seemed to be all she was doing until in one swift motion...


Psy felt warm lips meet the back of her hand. Titania held her hand to her face for a few seconds before finally letting go of Psy's hand. The Gardevoir reeled her hand back in surprise, her cheeks now beet red.

"Titania, why-"

"There. Now we're even, 'kay?" Titania quietly muttered, just loud enough for Psy to hear. She was averting her gaze, but her cheeks were also a deep shade of red. Psy looked at Titania with quiet disbelief before giving a genuine smile. Titania glanced up for a second and locked her eyes on the Gardevoir's grin. This seemed to be enough for Titania, as she returned the smile, but looked a bit more embarrassed than her tall friend. Psy clears her throat before speaking up.

"I think we should head back now." Psy calmly said, still smiling. Titania let go of her hand and gave her a thumbs up.

"Yeah. Let's get back before the boss kicks our asses."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 27, 2018 ⏰

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