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Btw who also thinks this is one of the cutest pics ever of wolves?! Like aaaaaah!



At the end off the corridor a door stopped my way so I opened it curious what could be in the room.

Shocked I stared at the big black glass in front off me. It looked like a huge TV! But TV's looked different as I was little. It can't be a TV or can it??

Confused I stepped inside the room and stalked over to the thing.

On the other side of the room stood a couch and armchair with a remote laying on it. Ok it must be a TV it can't be something else.

Taking the whole room in I noticed some pictures of Xavi and Emma and a scary looking guy who looked a little like Xavi.

I was so concentrated on looking at the pictures that I didn't notice someone coming in the room as well.

"I thought I told you to stay in the room princess." A low voice growled and I shrieked.



Turning around scared I looked up to see a furious Xavi.

He scared me so I immediately backed away just in case if he would hurt me I had a chance to escape.

Ok who am I kidding? I would be dead in a second.

Xavi walked towards me and I winced ready for whatever punishment he had for not listening to him, but instead off punishing me I was embraced into a hug.

"I thought you left. I was so scared my little angel, never do that again to me, understood?" Nodding confused and relieved I managed to get out off his arms.

"Sorry Alpha Xavi." I mumbled and felt him stiffen.

"No, no, no it's not Alpha for you. Only Xavi or Xavier or whatever you want to call me. Give me any nickname but not Alpha darling, ok?"

I nodded confused again. Which alpha didn't like to be called alpha???

He's weird.

"Can I call you Teddy bear?" I whisper unsure of how he would react to my question.

His face lights up and he nodded happily. "Of course my love! As long as I don't look scary to you everything's alright."

I smiled and went out of the room. I wanna see the whole house.

"Where are you going Keva?" Xavi ran up to me his feet noisily hitting the floor. The sound was kinda scary but it was Xavi!

He showed me I didn't have to be scared of him.

"I wanna look around the house Teddy bear." Continuing to walk I felt Xavi's presence next to me but it didn't annoy me.

"I'll show you everything my love." He whispered carefully taking my hand.

As soon as they touched sparks flew up my arm and I pulled away. This was so weird...

As I looked up to Xavi I saw hurt and guilt in his eyes.

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