t h r e e

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So this drawing was for school and I was actually really happy with how it turned out. By the way, I suck at line art (and drawing in general lol). We basically had to take a concept/emotion and turn it into a person. The following is a description I wrote about my character, Depression.

Depression OC

Depression is the child of Misery and Self-Doubt. You may know him for his friendship with Loneliness and Insecurity or his child, Lethargy. You may find him dressed in cottons and denims or in the finest of silks. Many expect him to be an obvious specter, a copy of those before, but his masks hide his true feelings from the world. He can be found anywhere and is almost invisible to those who aren't looking. He listens to piano when it rains and rock when he wishes to scream his faults into the wind. He is a wanderer, travelling somewhere new whenever a soul cries out for him, though he does occasionally seek shelters in a chance lonely spirit or two. He never got along with Happiness but he hides that fact well. He whispers for help from the unseen shackles that bind him, but when no help comes, he digs deeper into himself. They ask him why he can't scream louder, denying the hands closing around his mouth, holding the words in. He enjoys the theatre, visiting it whenever he can, as he's very good at acting himself, smiling despite pain and keeping a brave face when he's anything but.

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