04 - Days Without You

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Wayo POV


🎶When will i see you again?
You left with no goodbye
and a single word was said
No final kiss to seal any sins🎶

Why the moment i turn on the radio, this song came up. The lyrics match my heart so well.

I turn it off immediately.

I don't want my mood turn any glommier.

"I'm tired" i sigh, as i throw my body onto the bed. I turn my body, staring at my p'pha's shrine (ming was the one who named it) at the corner of my room.

I just came back to my room 3 hours ago. I ate my dinner with p'beam and p'forth. They bring me to sushi house. If it's the old me, i would eat everything so long its fits in my stomach. But tonight i barely eating anything, i don't have any appetite.

P'beam and p'forth keep shoving food in my plate. Making sure i ate something. And finally said, we can't go home until i ate something. I give up. I ate a few sushi without tasting it, just chewing and swallowed everything quickly before i throw up. I just want to go home. I just want to be alone right now.

I like my room. It the only place i can be myself. Crying, zoning out, thinking of p'pha without anyone interfering.

And call me crazy. I don't care. I can feel p'pha the most in my room. Like he always here with me.

I know, i know. All of you must be having hard time believing me. But trust me, sometimes when i half asleep, i often saw him in my room, wandering around, sitting on my bed, sitting beside the 'shrine', and sometimes i even felt him, caressing my hair, wiping my tears, holding my hands, hug me, and everything else he used to do to me when he alive.

Yeah, maybe i am really slowly getting crazy. But I don't care, so long i can feel p'pha, i am happy. Even they were just me hallucinating.

My phone's vibrating, i got some text.

I am to lazy to move, let me read that later. I'm sure its ming or p'kit. Checking on me. My friends keep a new habit or 'schedule', whatever it is, to checking me out, making sure i ate, i sleep, and i am still alive. It's annoying sometimes, but i know they do it because the loves me and worried about me.

While staring at the ceiling, i heard some noises, "Ah, its raining again". I turn my ring slowly, staring at it.

P'pha bought me a couple ring for my birthday. I got them one week ago, when p'pha parents come to my dorm. They said, the police found it in his car. It's a simple ring. In silver. There's some word engraved inside, "Us, together. P&W".

I cried so hard when i read that. Together.. a simple word, but now it's almost impossible for us. Now we're apart. Death do us apart.

The first week was the hardest.

A part of me refuse to believe that i lost him.

I lock myself in my room, not letting anyone comes in. I don't have any energy to do anything at all. I just lying down in my bed, hugging p'pha t-shirt that he used night before the accident, and crying non stop. I am not eating nor drinking. I fell asleep when i tired of crying. I stayed like that for a few days.

On the third day if I'm not mistaken, i fainted when i tried to go to the bathroom. Before I blacked out i saw p'pha, he rushed to catch me. I smiled. Finally, i know i'll see him if i fainted.

When i came around, i am in hospital.

There's my father with worried face, ming with angry and teary face, p'kit and p'beam with a sad smile and p'forth with his stern face. I'm sure he's angry at me that time.

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