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Anyways.. wanted to do a quick sum up of my life ig-- soooo... In the beginning of the school year i felt pretty neglected by my friends, and my oTher friend that sure enough wasnt a part of that group told me that i can probably join hers... Obviously being the lonely lil fuck i am i said yes XDD

It was actually p great! although i havent fully met these people at this moment they were really friendly.. and ridiculous - it felt more like home when i was with them... Then I began to talk to most of them and obtained a shit load of friends,, but it wasnt all so easy.. there has been few acts of drama in the group. few being hate against one another.

sometimes i feel like a bother to them.

they accept me for who i am though,.. sooo qwq

while i was progressing there were also ups and downs during the year.

in fact the fuckiest fuckboi at school is an asshole to me.. oBVIoUsLY

but asshol-y enough to decide to slam his chromebook/laptop charger against my head, im quite sensitive and cry easily so i told him to quit it.. and he didnt.. EVEN HiS fRiEnD TOLD HIM To STOp.. but once they both left i cried my eyes out,, hes still an asshole to me but hecc idrc anymore..

another highlight from the  year so far was just.. classes-- idfk how i got honors level classes but- i tried my best..

Also the best parts were just-- making my yt channel grow ig.. i have 160+ subs and theyre all really supportive.. all my animations that ive worked so hard on were really fun to do!! in fact everyday i always work on them..

And just coming back here gives me a load of nostalgia.. i had great times with you all-- i hope we can just.. return to that ya know..

i know this was short but

 i should get going..

have a good day/afternoon/night!!


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