8: Crimson

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'Shit. My mother is gone.'

She's on a business trip for 3 weeks and she left a week ago. Not able to be back within 2 weeks.

"Let me walk you to your door.",He gets out of the car and opens my door.

I walk out and he follows from behind. I knock on the door to make sure.

Nope. No one answers. I unlock the door. I wave him goodbye and here I am now. I got away.

A tug throws me to his chest.

I'm here again. My front door hung open. The middle of the night. Nothing to be heard, except snores and coos from the owls in the surrounding area.

He looked old at me intensely in the eyes and I break down. I don't know what to do at the moment. It's confusing. Then he makes a move.

Byunae's face nears mine. His tilted as he gets to my lips. Then he hesitates, hovering. Warmth from his breathing, felt all on my lips.

He fumbles me to the sofa as he holds me with his arms rapped around me. I get pushed back and am now laying on the sofa. He gets on top of me and kisses me with force. Then light brittle ones.

Byunae stops and realizes what he had done. The blue boy runs out of my house. Door shut as nothing ever happened. The blue moon giant in the starry night sky.

I lay there in absolute bewilderment and udder shock. That just happened. Byunae.......

......just kissed me.


The light from my sealing fan pierces like hot knives. I wince at the sight. The blasting music pierces my ears and I rip the headphones out of my ears.

Squeaks of the fan become prominent.  The music is still on full blast,as the headphones lay on the bed.

'What am I gonna do now, with blue towel boy? He knows my existence for sure now.'

I cover my screams with a pillow,as I eventually cry myself to sleep.

(Put all of this onto wattpad.)


His name alliterates in my head.  A mess. Not because I like him. Just because he's alive and I can see him again.

Oh,how much I wanna get to know him. Hear his voice that others predicted to sound high pictched.

No....it's the complete opposite.

It's in the middle. Not too deep nor nasally,but sweet in a kind of feminine way. One that fits his plump,youthful face of his.

I'm a mess anyway. I need to take a shower. It will help to clear my mind for now.

'Anything but him now.'

I sit in the shower and let the hot water engulf me, as my breathing becomes light. I feel at ease, then stand up as I feel lightheaded.

His thoughts can't leave my head. Just what was that for? Is he some sort of playboy I don't know? A creep at most, that prays on venerable people like me? Just what the hell was his modivatiin behind that.

'Him kissing me. His....lips on mine.'

My hand grazes and rests on my lips softly. My eyes hooded. I need to get out of the shower and call it a day. I'm getting pretty dizzy.

The water turns off and I dry myself. My hair dried next, then to my face next. As I go and swipe the mirror, I see my eyes.

'They're crimson."

Like the Red Sea in the Mediterranean. The towel drops out of my hands and I wipe the mirror hesitantly out of fear, petrified. Grimace flushed over my face, as I try to not pass out.

I rub my eyes and they are still there. They won't go away. What's happening to me? Did I get cursed? Am I the devil's next vessel.

"What the hell did you do to me Ko Byunae?!!!?", I bellow out as I fall back on my bum.

I cry on the floor, naked for the next while in the fetal position. Not sure what to do about the situation, but let my inner self out.

'Is this the end? My punishment from god for nothing done wrong?'

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