More Problems then One.

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Naruto's P.O.V~

It's been a year since I have become Hokage. Me and Hinata are already married. We invited close friends and her side of the family. Since we had the wedding in late December, it was cold... Like, really cold..

In the middle if the ceremony in actually started to snow. Hinata looked beautiful, she had a long white wedding dress with lace sleeves and ended up with snowflakes in her hair.

Right now I'm in my office, doing paper work on future missions.

I picked up one folder reading,"Akatski Intell"

Akatski? I thought they were wiped out ever since the war?

I opened the folder and read what a Shinobi wrote:

While I was out on my mission I came across a suspicious looking hide out. At first I though of Orochimaru, but then remembered that he has been dead for quite some time... After further investigation, I found an Akatski robe. The Akatski have been dormant since the war, but I think there is someone continuing the organization. I heard voices walking towards means immediately hid. One voice said," Plan K.H.W will take place in a month." After that I had to leave, or else I would have been found. I'm not aware what plan K.H.W means, but it sounds serious.

I put the folder down and rubbed my temples. I had my hat on the corner of my desk and the traditional Hokage robe was on a coat rack. I had a robe on that was black with orange flames.

I don't know how to deal with the Akatski right now.

Sasuke burst into my office in a panic.

I stood up and looked at him with worry," What wrong?"

"Naruto, Hinatas in the hospital, Sakura's with her now."

I ran out of my office without another thought, Sasuke followed close behind me.

What happened? Will she be okay? Can they help here?

Millions of questions ran through my head.

I made it to the Hospital and up to the front desk.

"What room?" I said with inpatients.

"108" she said and pointed her finger to direct me.

I ran down the hall way," thanks!" I yelled to the lad at the front desk.

I made it to the room and opened the door. Hinata was sitting up in a Hospital bed and Sakura was sitting next to her.

Sakura leaned closer to Hinata," You have to tell him." Looked at me and then walked out.

I walked over to Hinata's bed and sat on the side.

" What happened?" I was deeply worried. She looked at me like she needed to tell me something serious.

"Naruto... I'm pregnant."

You were never worth forgetting (NaruHina sequel to "Don't mind me")Where stories live. Discover now