Back Too School

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Here we go... Hope you enjoy the book :)


Chapter One: Back Too School

I groaned as my alarm clock went off I wasn't ready for another year of school in fact I hated school! Even though it was my last year of high school and I'm officially a senior you'd think I'd be happy? Well I'm not I'm the nerd that everyone makes fun of, All because I make good grades and well also because I'm not the prettiest girl in the school. I got up out of bed and turned my alarm clock off then made my bed, I like keeping my room clean. After I made up my bed I looked through my closet and picked out a outfit, The shirt was a black Avenged Sevenfold shirt and the pants were black skinny jeans, I don't really care for impressing people on the first day back because honestly a guy should want you for you and not your chest or but and it's not like I like any guy at my school their all jerks. I put on my black converses then brushed my long black hair, I'm averaged looking I have long wavy black hair with green eyes I look allot like my mom she's gorgeous
"Briana come on you're gonna be late for school!" My mom shouted snapping me outta my thoughts
"Be their in a second!" I yelled back and quickly slid my glasses on. I walked down stairs into the kitchen and saw my little sister Jordan eating pancakes covered in allot of syrup, Jordan looks allot like my dad brown haired with blue eyes. Right beside Jordan was my older brother Ryan whose about too go to college, He is a mix between my mom and dad Brown haired with green eyes. Ryan was going to college too play football and get a doctors agree I was proud of him back when he was in high school with me he was a major player I always thought he would drop out or something but he didn't so I'm proud of him. My dad was sitting at the bar eating while my mom was beside him looking at a magazine until she noticed I was in the room
"Briana want some breakfast?" My mom asked me with a small smile
"No thanks I need to get too school before I'm late" I explained and she nodded
"Ryan will you take your sisters too school?" My mom asked my brother and he groaned
"Mom" Ryan pleaded
"Now!" My mom said giving him a quick glare
"Let's go" Ryan said and Jordan grabbed her book bag. We all hurried into the car Ryan was driving while I was in the front seat and Jordan was in the back. We reached Jordan's school and she got out the car and hurried inside, she's only eight and in forth grade she really loves school I'm glad she does. We finally reached my school (West Point High School) I got out the car and mouthed Ryan 'thank you' before hurrying in once I got in the building I went straight to the office to get my schedule and locker combination. After I got my schedule I glanced down at it and sighted
1st period: English, Mrs. Morgan
2nd period: P.E, Couch Freeman
3rd period: Math, Mrs. Irons
4th period: History, Mrs. Graves
5th period: Science, Mrs. Webbs
6th period: Band, Mr. Stephens
I walked too my locker and opened in I grabbed my English notebook then shut it and walked down the hall once I got in the class room I looked around searching for a desk I finally found one in the back of the room I sat down their and waited for the bell to ring. After a few minutes Megan and her group walked in they need too put a sign on her back that says 'Class Whore' Because I'm tired of her and her little group thinking they own everything god it's annoying and really cleeshay
"Alright class my names Mrs. Morgan and I'm your English teacher, today I'll be handing out textbooks."
It was finally lunchtime and I was extremely hungry! I shouldn't of skipped breakfast! I got in the lunch line and grabbed two sandwiches then went and sat at a empty table and started eating. While I was eating I saw Jase walk in with girl's following him I rolled my eye's, Why couldn't they realize he just wanted them for sex I mean come on! That guys a man cunt! Everyone thinks he's a major bad as* but he isn't to me he doesn't scare me, Then to top that he's a player which makes me sick why can't guys just find them a girlfriend that they love? Is it so hard to stick with one girl? I was snapped outta my thoughts by Megan
"Excuse me but this is my table" Megan snapped and her little crew started giggling because everyone was watching even Jase
"Excuse you, you don't own this table! I can sit anywhere I want" I snapped back in angier
"Does the little nerd think she can argue with me" Megan said and smiled while her grew giggled, She poured juice on me
"Oops I'm sorry" She said smiling, I grabbed my things and ran out of the lunchroom I heard everyone laughing at me, I ran down the hallway trying too find the bathroom until I hit a wall and my glasses fell off
"Stupid wall" I mumbled searching for my glasses until someone handed them too me, I put them on and saw Jase staring at me I quickly got up and dusted myself off
"Watch were your going" Jase said with a cocky attitude
"I'm sorry Jase" I said and watched as a smirk appeared on his face "And thanks for handing me my glasses" I say hurrying past him until he grabs my arm and puts his mouth too my ear
"I think you ran into me on purpose" Jase smirked "So you could touch me after all I know I'm good looking" He whispered into my ear sending shivers up my spine
"Cocky personality" I whispered and started hurrying when I heard the bell ring so I went too my next class.

School was over and I couldn't be more happier. I walked down to Jordan's school and waited for her too come out, She rushed out the door and ran over too me excited
"What?" I asked her curious
"I drew a picture!" She said and I smiled taking the picture she handed me
"That's our family" She said while smiling
"It's pretty" I said and smiled handing her the picture, we started walking home. Once we got home my mom had dinner ready
"Why are you cooking early?" I questioned my mom
"You're father's boss and his family or coming over for dinner" My mom sighted "Be on your best behavior" She said and I nodded knowing my dad's career depended on it. I ran up too my room and put on a nice shirt it had flower designs all over it I kept my jeans on.
I heard our doorbell ring so I quickly ran down stairs and standed by my brother Ryan, My mom answered the door and I slowly looked up too see my dad shaking a man's hand
"Mr and Mrs Knight this is my family Lucy my wife, Ryan my son, Briana and Jordan my daughters" My dad said politly
"Hello" Mr Knigh said we all said hey back "This is my son Jase" Mr Knight said and I saw Jase walk through the door with a smirk staring at me I wish I could slap it off that jerk!
We all went into the dinning room and ate of course Jase being the jack but he is sits in front of me. My mom puts all the food in the middle of the table and everyone starts grabbing something I just watched if Jase wasn't in front of me  I would be eating like a pig. I just settled for a salad and grabbed my fork and started eating


"Oow!" Someone just kicked me! I looked up and saw Jase smiling like a idiot, I kicked him back and he groaned in pain


I shrieked in pain when he kicked me, I kicked him where the sun does not shine hard and he groaned in pain while I smiled and ate acting like nothing happened when I looked up our family was staring at both of us 

"It's not nice too kick each other under the table" My mom said and sent a glare too me

"Yes mam" Me and Jase said 

"If you'll excuse me, I'm gonna go check on my dog out back" I said and smiled and everyone nodded. I walked outside and my german shepard Max ran up too me the back yard was fenced so he could not get out. I started petting Max and he tackled me and licked me 

"Having fun?" Jase asked me and I looked up too see him smirking at me, I got up and realized I had mud all over me 

"Yeah this is Max" I said and Max wagged his tail and started licking Jase's arm

"He just licked my arm!" Jase shouted and rubbed it on me 

"Don't rub it on me!" I shouted back and ran from him, he started chasing me and grabbed my waist then whipped where Max licked him on me

"Jerk!" I shouted and he smirked "That's why I don't like you" I snorted

"You not like me please everyone likes me" Jase snorted back

"Way over yourself" I sneakered back

"Jase honey we gotta go" His mom shouted from the back door and we walked inside.

Jase and his parents left. I was up in my room getting ready for bed I put on my pajamas and a white tank top then layed my glasses on a end table and layed on my bed and went into a deep sleep.


Haley: WOAH WOAH WOAH *Watches them under table* They like each other *winks*



Jase: Please I'm sexy

Haley: I know you are *winks* 


Haley: Hehehe *slowly leaves* SPIDERMAN! *runs*

Hope you enjoyed this chapter ;D!

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