Water Park

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Paige and I were going to the water park because it was heckin hot, I mean, it's LA, and it's summer, so duh. Neither of us had ever really been to a water park before so this was exciting for us. We live in a really shit town, we are only in LA because it was a birthday present. We were on our way to the water park blasting Shawn Mendes at full volume singing Lost In Japan at the top of our lungs.

We got to the park sometime later and ran to the tallest water slide. I'm scared of heights so I was terrified. Paige, however, was perfectly fine.

"Okay y/n, you're next" Paige said sliding down the slide laughing and screaming. I looked down at the slide then turned around and thought about walking back. Then turned to face the slide again.

"Are you going miss?" The dude I charge asked. I looked at him with scared eyes. "Do you want someone to go with you?" He asked. I nodded and he asked the next person to step up. I turned to see who I would be sliding with and there stood a boy, he was cute. Shit, he's cute and I'm being a pussy in front of him. He stepped up and smiled at me.

"Am I sliding with her?" The boy asked

"If that's alright with you" the dude said. He nodded and we both sat down, him behind me. He grabbed onto my waist and I closed my eyes as we started sliding down the slide. I gotta admit, it was pretty fun, and the fact a cute boy was sliding with me, oof.

We splashed into the water together laughing once we resurfaced.

"Thanks for that. I never would've been able to do that by myself" I said looking down

"It's my pleasure. It's not everyday I get to slide down a water slide with a beautiful girl" he said looking at me and smiling while walking closer and putting his hands on my sides. Just then Paige ran up to us and her eyes widened when she saw him

"Oh my shit, you're Griffin Jarosinski" she said slapping my arm. He turned and smiled

"That's true" he said with a chuckle

"Y/n this is the twitch streamer I always watch" she said excitedly. She noticed his hand was still on my side and she looked at me trying no to embarrass us. I could tell she was holding in a squeal.

We all hung out and talked and went down more slides and had the time of our lives. After we hung out for a while we decided to head out. Griffin asked if we wanted to hang out sometime before we leave and we both nodded. I gave him my number and waited for a text.

We got back to our hotel and we changed into our pj's. It was only 5pm but we were exhausted. Around 5:30 I finally got a text from Griffin. I squealed and told Paige excitedly. I didn't know him aswell as she did but he was cute and he called me beautiful. He asked if I wanted to go grab a bite to eat. I accepted and I jumped up and started to get ready.

"Where you going??Did Griffin ask you out or something?" She asked looking up from her phone. I nodded. At around 8ish  I got a text saying he was outside. I quickly put my hair in a ponytail and grab my phone. I hugged Paige and ran out the door.

I ran down the hall to the door and started to walk out of the door. I didn't wanna seem like I was as excited as I was so I tried to play it cool. I saw him standing against a wall and I walked up to him

"H-hey" I managed to get out. Fuck was he cute

"Hey there" he said putting his arm around me "ready to go?" I nodded and we headed to his car. He opened the passenger door for me and I got in. We talked about why we were in LA and we talked about Twitch and YouTube and music. I didn't know where he was taking me, so I asked but he said it was a "surprise". He ended up taking me to the beach. The beach was my favorite place ever. Especially at night, I don't know why, I just loved it.

"The beach?" I asked confused

"Yes. The beach. I know I said food but we can get food after" he smiled at me and we both got out. He walked over to me and grabbed my hand. I smiled and looked down. I took my shoes off and we walked along the water. And talked about the simple things like what our favorite movies were and our favorite animals, colors, etc.

After a while we sat down in the sand and I laid my head on his shoulder with his arm wrapped around me.

"You know, I'm really glad you're afraid of heights" he said laughing at me

"Me too" I let out a slight chuckle. He pulled me closer and I put my hand on his leg

"You're real cute. You know that" I said looking up at him

"Are you kidding me? I have a disgusting face. You on the other hand have a gorgeous face" he said  looking down at me. I turned my body to look at him

"Well, in my opinion you have a cute face" I said looking at him. He stood up and helped me up aswell.

"Fine, you win. But only because I'm guessing you won't give up" he said putting his arm around my shoulders

"You're correct" I said putting my arm around his waist. We walked back to the car and all I could think about was how much I wanted to kiss him. We decided to skip food because neither of us were very hungry, he just wanted an excuse to take me out.

We drove back to the hotel and walked to my room. Before we went in he turned me around and gently pushed be against the wall. We made eye contact before he leaned in and kissed me. I kissed back and it felt like my heart skipped a beat. We pulled apart and he smiled at me

"I've wanted to do that all night" he said backing up to let me open the door

"Me too" I said smiling and opening the door. I invited Griffin in and we came in quietly. It was around 1 am and Paige was asleep. I asked Griffin if he wanted to stay over since it was pretty late and he seemed tired. He accepted my offer and we got into bed. The tv was still on so we watching it for a little bit before I started to fall asleep. Griffin noticed and pulled me close to him

"Hey y/n, I know we live in two different states but, do you maybe wanna be my girlfriend?" He asked looking into my eyes

"I'd love that" I said snuggling into his chest. He wrapped his arms around me and pulled me close to him. We fell asleep not long after.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 30, 2018 ⏰

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