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Sasuke read a book on the couch that Naruto had bought for him when he didn't stop nagging at him for being bored all day around. So sooner than later Naruto caved in and bought him a whole shelf of books that hopefully won't run out until the end of the year. The months came and went, but one particular day, a day before a week of his house arrest was supposed to be lifted, something happened.

"Oi, where's my vest?!" Naruto shouted from across the room.

It had been a good time that after the time had passed the two had become close friends, although there was always something in between from bringing them closer.

"I don't know, you're the one who's always careless, keep track of you things idiot." Sasuke shot back with a roll of his black eyes.

"I don't even know why I bother asking." Naruto muttered under his breath, but not low enough for Sasuke to not hear.

"You should learn by now then Usurantokachi." Sasuke scoffed.

Naruto had a small mission, just a visit to the sand and deliver a message from the Hokage that they'll be arriving to the chunin exams at their village on time unlike last time.

Sasuke had closed his book after, unable to concentrate from all the noise that Naruto was causing. He was muttering to himself as he walked towards the book shelf.

"He never is able to keep track of things, so cute." Sasuke gave a small smile, although the last part was very quiet that even Naruto couldn't hear, but he heard the last part.

He turned around to see Naruto looking down as Sasuke, Naruto was of course taller after the years had passed way back, he wasn't the remembered shrimp.

"Tell me more about me." Naruto had asked again.

"I can't tell you more, you have to learn for yourself!" Sasuke glared up at Naruto. "Move I'm going to take a shower."

"Not until you tell me something."

"You don't even remember anyways, so what's the point?"

That was a complete lie, Naruto does remember, although they were all distorted he could only see beautiful shots of the other person and not the entire memory, which irked him. He wanted to know more, he was to know about them, but for some reason the raven haired shinobi didn't want to tell him more.

"Maybe this time will be different."

"No it won't!" Sasuke suddenly snapped, causing Naruto to widen his eyes in shock.

Sasuke doesn't act like this, he's usually quiet and sarcastic, what had happened? Naruto was only insisting to talk about his past self, and he, for some reason, knew that Sasuke knows more than he's letting.

So without a choice Naruto stepped to the side and soon heard Sasuke slam the door to the bathroom.

He sighed, his chest tightened, he feels odd, rubbing the spot over his heart he went back to looking for his vest, the rest were dirty, and he knew that he had one left that wasn't covered in blood. He was searching everywhere, and when he was about to check under his bed for the nth time he heard a course of curses followed by a heavy fall and things falling to the floor from the direction where Sasuke was at.

Without thinking, as if his body had moved without his permission Naruto slammed the door open to see Sasuke on the floor rubbing his bum and immediately saw the cut on his elbow.

"You're bleeding!" Naruto said alarmed.

"W-wha- g-get out!" Sasuke shouted after noticing Naruto in the bath and heading his way.

"You're hurt." Naruto tried to reason as he went to grab Sasuke but was slapped away.

"I'm naked you moron!"

"We're both guys don't be such a girl." Naruto rolled his eyes.

Lifting Sasuke up as if he weighed nothing, Naruto made his way towards the toilet and sat him down on the lid. He went directly towards the mirror cabinet and brought out the first aid kit. A kit he had remembered using almost all the time and kept it stocked just in case. Thanking his old self he opened it up and began to aid Sasuke.

"Give me a towel at least." Sasuke gritted out, Naruto took a peek up towards the Uchiha and saw him with a deep blush on his pale cheeks.

"Never took the great Uchiha to be the shy type." Naruto smirked.

"Ah!" Sasuke hissed as Naruto rubbed alcohol on the small cut.

"Bear with it, we don't want it to get infected." Naruto blew on it to lessen the sting.

Sasuke sat there, seeing the care and gentle hands of Naruto, his heart warmed up as he saw Naruto taking in great consideration over a small cut. His eyes wandered to the blond hair and without thinking Sasuke ran his fingers through the soft hair.

Both froze, Naruto looked up, his blue eyes wide with confusion and curiosity while Sasuke held a look of fear and sadness. Quickly Naruto set a bandaid over the small cut and closed the door behind him softly. He leaned against it and sighed deeply and he shunshined away from apartment, thinking that he'll just borrow one from Lee.

Sasuke sat on the toilet seat, his fingers still in midair where he had been touching Naruto hair. His lips soon rose into a saddened and nostalgic smile.

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