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Jade's pov: Two days later.....

I woke up to a bit of sun peeking through the window. Perrie's arms were wrapped around my waist, holding me close to her chest. I slowly reached for my phone, trying not to move to much. I manage to lean forward enough to grab it off the side table. I check the time and see a message form Jesy.
'Morning Poopey, I was wondering if we could do some early morning training, before your Mom comes looking for us? Text me when you wake up. -Jess' 
"Oh Jesy you always want extra training." I whisper texting her back.
'Sure Jess, see you in five. -Jade'
I slowly untangle Perrie's arms from my waist, and crawl out of bed. I giggle when Perrie grabs my pillow and pulls it to her chest. Leaving a kiss on her forehead, I pull on some sweats.
Two minutes later I meet Jesy in the training room, ready to train. 
"Morning Jess, ready for training?" I ask opening the control panel.
"More than ever Jadey. Let's beat some robot ass!" I chuckle and flip the switch on the panel. Usually there is a third person in the room to turn off the panel in case of an emergency, but I'm sure that won't happen today.
"Let's do this." I say running at the first drone.

Kara's pov:

"Alex do you think she will like me? I mean she seems to like me, but she hasn't gotten to know me. What if she doesn't like me? My own daughter might not like me." I say getting a little worked up. Alex grabs my shoulders and looks me dead in the eyes. 
"Your daughter, my niece, Is going to love you. If she's anything like you, then she will see the good in your heart and get to know that side, rather than the other." I look at my wrist watch and see that it's almost eleven in the morning.
"We should get to the DEO, the girls are surely up by now." I say walking to the door, Alex right behind me. I'm lucky to have my sister.


We get to the DEO and I see one out of the four girls, in the main room. Leigh-Anne was hovering over Winn's shoulder.
"Leigh where are the others? We have something we wanted to tell the four of you." Alex says grinning. We plan to give the girls the opportunity to join the DEO, as heroes. I'm hoping they will agree, cause I want to see my daughter as much as possible. 
"Perrie is still asleep, and I can't find the other two." I furrow my eyebrows and use my super hearing to find my daughter. I soon hear her grunting and huffing, making it clear to me that she is in the training room.
"They're training, cheeky kids." I say turning to the hall heading to the training rooms. Leigh quickly flies over my head, following me to the room. I open the door and see my daughter and Jesy, using their powers to destroy our drones.
"Oi! Cheeky bitch, using Jade for extra practice. No wonder you whoop my ass so much." Jesy just chuckles and throws a drone to the floor, smashing it into pieces.
"Morning Jade, how you feeling?" I ask watching her kick herself off the wall.
"I'm great Mom, how are you?" She asks pulling her brown hair out of her face.
"I'm excited, when Perrie wakes up we need to have a little chat about something serious." I say smirking.
"Can't be that serious, your smirking." I smile shaking my head. I see Jade crush the last drone, and I flip off the panel.
"Jade you know your girl is impossible to wake." Alex says entering the room.

"There is a way to wake me, but only Jade can do it." I hear Perrie chuckle, as she enters the room. I roll my eyes not wanting to know.
"Not gonna ask. Anyway now that everyone is awake how about we go to the board room and have a little chat." Alex says walking towards the door. We all follow her out, and into the board room. I hope they say yes. 

Jade's pov:

Mom was grinning all the way down the hall. Wow saying Mom feels so weird, but in a good way I guess. We were all sat around a large table, me next to Perrie. My stomach wasn't feeling great, which is strange I'm immune to illness. Although I've had food poisoning before, maybe that's it. I turn to Perrie, and I guess she could see the discomfort on my face. Cause she took me into her lap, and I nuzzled my head into her neck. I felt Perrie place her hand over my abdomen, and make circular motions. It was faint though, my hoodie was in the way.

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