Revenge best served hot

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Jenny flew into the battle like a woman possessed. Her reflexes were quicker than the Death Eaters were expecting. She used the anger, that had always remained contained inside her, and attacked with such fury and rage.
Jenny thought about every one she had lost and failed to protect. James, Sirius, Remus, Emmeline Vance, Tonks, Moody... the list was endless.
As she fought, she was careful not to look down. Jenny didn't think she would be able to stay angry if she looked at Remus's body. She had to stay focused.
Jenny was no longer afraid to use the Unforgivable Curses. As she waved her wand, the Death Eaters dropped to the floor, never to move again.
Sometimes she used non lethal spells, if she thought the person was under the Imperius Curse. But most of the time she didn't stop and think.

Some of the people on her side had even stopped to catch their breath, as Jenny took over. They too were surprised by her skill and fury. And were glad that she was on their side.
Jenny looked for Bellatrix, wanting to pay her back for killing Tonks and Sirius. But she was nowhere to be seen. So Jenny turned her attention to Jugson, who had helped kidnap her more than once.
Jugson looked at his dead colleages on the floor around him. His wand hand twitched nervously, he looked like he wanted to turn and run. But he stood his ground, knowing that Voldemort killed deserters.
Jenny began to approach him, and he started to sweat. Jugson raised his wand, but Jenny was quicker. She slashed her wand in the air, cutting Jugson's throat.
He fell to floor and his wand rolled away. His hands moved to his neck, as he tried to stop the bleeding. But it was no use.
Jenny slashed her wand again, causing more blood to flow. And moments later Jugson stopped moving.

Jenny had no time to enjoy his death, as the battle still raged on. She looked at her next target. Antonin Dolohov. He stood in a circle of dead bodies, one of which was Remus's. But Jenny didn't look at that. Instead she stared right into her enemy's eyes.
He was the most skilled Death Eater that Jenny had taken on. One of Voldemort's inner circle, who had been in Azkaban twice, along with the Lestrange brothers.
His face twisted into a cruel smile as she approached. He stepped over Remus's body, letting his cloak scrape Remus's face.
Jenny fired a curse at him, but he too was quick, and he sent it straight back at her.
She blocked the spell just in time, and Dolohov sent another spell towards her, forcing her to jump out of the way.

As the fight continued, they realised that they were evenly matched, but Jenny was starting to tire. Dolohov had been one of Voldemort's first followers. He had been the one to murder both of Molly's brothers in the first wizarding war. He was a much more experienced fighter than Jenny.
Jenny was beginning to lose. She was now only defending herself, and not attacking back. Dolohov smiled as he realised he was winning.
"Getting tired little girl" he mocked.
Jenny frowned. It had been a long time since she had been a 'little girl', as she was now in her 30's.
"Maybe. But at least I'm not an old man" Jenny shouted back.
"Old man? We'll see about that" he replied.

Jenny's skin suddenly turned cold, but Dolohov hadn't moved. She looked up and saw a group of Dementers enter the battle.
Like Harry, Jenny was deeply affected by their presence, due to her traumatic life.
As they got closer, she started to hear voices in head, reminding her of the time Malfoy had used the Cruciatus Curse on her.
Jenny shook her head, as she tried to focus on the present. She couldn't afford to get distracted.
To avoid the Dementers, Jenny ran accross the courtyard and into a corridor, to get away. But she made sure that she could still see Dolohov at all times, not daring to turn her back to him.

Not wanting to lose his opponant, Dolohov followed her accross the battle field.
"Expecto Patronum" cried Jenny, as she desperately tried to think of a happy memory. It was hard, as most of her happy memories were of the Marauders, and they were all dead now. Instead, Jenny thought of the night she had spent in Charlie's warm embrace.
That seemed to do the trick, as a silver squirrel erupted from her wand, and charged at the Dementers. Keeping them away, so that Jenny could focus on Dolohov.

Unfortunately this part of the corridor was more unstable, and pieces of the ceiling kept falling down onto of them. So much so, that there was now a small hole in the ceiling, leading to the floor above.
As a piece of rubble dislodged itself from the ceiling, Jenny had to cast a protective charm, to stop it landing on her head.
Dolohov took advantage of Jenny's loss of focus and fired a spell at her.
Jenny looked down, just in time to see the spell coming towards her, but there was nothing she could do.
The spell hit her with such force, that she was blasted through the ceiling and into the corridor on the floor above.

As she was thrown into the air, Jenny's body cracked and broke as it hit the ceiling. Part of her body went through the hole, but it was not big enough for all of her. So her legs broke as they were forced through the ceiling.
Once into the floor above, Jenny's body rolled accross the floor. But the floor was covered in rubble and debris, which cut her as she was thrown across it.
Eventually, a few feet from the hole, she stopped rolling. Jenny gasped in pain as she saw the large piece of wood now sticking out of her stomach.
She looked around for her wand, but she couldn't see it, as it had fallen out of her hand, while she was rolling. Jenny tried to push herself up, to start searching for it, but she was in too much pain. She tried to move her legs, but when she tried it sent a sharp pain throughout her body.

Jenny looked down at the wood sticking out of her, as she tried to decide whether or not she should remove it. Leaving it in her, could do more damage to her insides, and it was more painful. But removing it could cause her to bleed to death.
She couldn't call out for help, in case a Death Eater heard her. Alone, and without a wand, there wasn't much she could do.

Carefully, Jenny placed her hands around the wood, and prepared to pull it out. Jenny took a deep breath and tugged it from her body.
Once the wood was out, she began to bleed very heavily. Jenny pushed her hands against her wound, and she tried to keep the blood inside her body. With little success.
As she began to lose conciousness, Jenny heard a voice. It was Voldemort. Once again, he was speaking to everyone still engaged in the battle.

"You have fought valiantly. Lord Voldemort knows how to value bravery. Yet you have sustained heavy loses.
If you continue to resist me, you will all die. One by one. I do not wish this to happen. Every drop of magical blood spilled is a loss and a waste.
Lord Voldemort is merciful. I command my forces to retreat immediately. You have one hour. Dispose of your dead with dignity. Treat your injured.

Harry Potter. I now speak directly to you. You have permitted your friends to die for you, rather than face me yourself.
I shall wait in the Forbidden Forest for one hour. If you have not given yourself up, the battle recommences.
This time, I shall enter the fray myself. I shall punish every man, woman and child, who has tried to conceal you from me.
You have one hour Harry Potter".

Jenny knew that it must be safe to call for help. But she was scared that if she opened her mouth and tried to speak, she would cough up blood.
Her last thoughts before passing out was of Harry. Her poor nephew had been through so much, and Jenny wished for him to have a long and happy life. For that is what he deserved.

Jennifer Potter and the marauders (book 2) Jenny and HarryWhere stories live. Discover now