Chapter 2: I saw her standing there

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Maya's POV

I got home soon enough, my apartment wasn't far away from work. The Beatles fans were running around the street, screaming names. I scoffed, as if they would answer. I opened my door, taking in the scent of incense and coffee, the smell of home.

I smiled, put my bag down and went over to the piano by the balcony, I carefully moved the lid and stroked the white keys expertly. I sung Edith Piaf. The music replayed memories from my childhood in France. I felt old, my childhood seemed like an event that had happened more that forty years ago and it had only been a few since I had left for New York. My 24th birthday was drawing near.

I suddenly heard another voice join mine, a soft clear voice that sounded particularly familiar. I stopped playing and saw that the voice kept singing. It sounded like Paul Mc... No, impossible. Maybe I had left a record on the gramophone, playing ? But... Since when did the Beatles sing La Vie en Rose? Maybe I was crazy, after all. I followed the sound and headed to my room; putting my hair up into a bun and rubbing my eyes as if to wake myself up.


George's POV

I heard the door close and I gasped, standing up from the rug and watching Paul. He stifled a laugh: John was soundlessly asleep and Ringo was drawing circles on the floor with his finger. Paul and I glanced at each other, he nodded, and we waited patiently until the person that had opened the door would come into her room, but no one came.

We heard noise in the entrance, and then the clean sound of the piano. I shrugged and sat down again, watching the door with weary eyes. Paul sat beside me and closed his, immersed by the sound of the sweet classical music coming from the living room. He smiled, recognizing every song and nodding to himself as he did so. The music abruptly changed and a soft, melodical voice started singing. Paul widened his eyes and started singing along before I could stop him. I sighed, so much for waiting patiently. I sat down beside Ringo and watched him draw patterns on the floor.


Paul's POV

We heard the door open and close, well, at least George and I did, we exchanged glances and I nodded, hoping that he would understand that we would brace ourselves for whatever was going to come through the door; but nothing came. Instead, we heard the sound of a piano. I smiled and closed my eyes, giving myself to the music, I could recognize Debussy's Clair the Lune, and Arabesque, then Erik Satie's Gymnopedies,  Edith Piaf's La Vie en Rose, and suddenly a voice sang ,clear and high, and I couldn't stop myself from singing too. I was too engrossed by the song and it's French lyrics that I didn't notice how the sound of the piano had died away.


Maya's POV

I followed the voice and widened my eyes to see that it was coming from my room. I braced myself for whatever surprise was awaiting and then felt like I was going insane when I saw: Paul McCartney and George Harrison sitting on my rug, John Lennon snoring in my bed and Ringo Starr doodling on my floor with his finger like a little child. I gasped and held on to the door frame for balance. The air rushed out of my lungs and I felt dizzy. Paul McCartney opened his eyes, saw me gasping and his hazel eyes turned into a look of worry as George and him stood up and helped me unto my bed. They pushed John whom woke up rather angrily.

'' Bloody hell. I can't take a nap without you tw...; Oh. Sorry'' He said, grinning sheepishly.

'' Are you okay love?'' asked Paul.

His face was close to mine and I could feel his cool breath. I nodded, speechless, and heard George laugh as Paul took a few steps back.

'' I think you made her worse'' added George and punched Paul's arm playfully. He scowled at him and turned his eyes on me again. Ringo had stood up and was looking at me, grinning, his blue eyes glowing. John looked at me with his chocolate brown eyes, slightly lifting up his eyebrows. George was trying to keep himself from laughing, and he suddenly left the room. I heard tinkering in the kitchen and he came back with a glass of water, offering it to me. I nodded and finished the glass in a few gulps. 


John's POV

I was woken up quite abruptly,I had been having my best nap in days since we had come to bloody North America. I protested, quite rudely, but then stopped when I realized that Paul and George were carrying a livid girl between them and setting her down on her bed. She had green eyes and a crazed look on her face. Her brown hair had been up in a bun that had become undone and her hair stuck out from many places. I smiled, she looked nice. She wasn't trying to jump on us and kiss us, so she was alright.


Ringo's POV

I was too engrossed by my thoughts to notice that our host had finally arrived to her room, called by Paul's voice. I just saw a girl with a pale face being set down on her bed and I stood up, wanting to see her more closely and grinned reasuringly, trying to make her feel better.

They came in through the bathroom window. ( Beatles fanfiction)- IN EDITIONWhere stories live. Discover now