chapter twenty-two ; interviews

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Throughout the season, the two of them were high in demand. After victories and front cover photo shoots, it was no joke that if they were to go public, they would be one of the hottest power couple there ever was.

Misaki was always cautious when it came to contacting her boyfriend whenever her mother was present. She would hide her phone at all times in fear that she would get caught. But whenever her mother was done sucking the very energy out of her by making her go through a hectic schedule, she would wait till she leaves the house before picking up the phone and video chatting with Yuzuru.

Yuzuru, on the other hand, received immense success for his dedication and skills. He had won repeatedly and each time he had a competition going on, Misaki would always make sure she had the live stream links so she wouldn't miss a thing. The two try to keep up to date with each other's lives, and they were always happy to receive the few hours of talking that they got once every few days.

Misaki was in the middle of talking on the phone with Yuzuru. They were talking about their days and she asked him what he had for tomorrow.

"I'll actually be in Tokyo tomorrow. I have to be on a live talk show for a few hours and that's about my day."

"Wait," Misaki checked her schedule, "What talk show are you going to be on?"

"Morning With Us." He said.

Her eyes widened as she saw that her schedule also consisted of her appearance on that show.

"It looks like we'll meet tomorrow for the talk show." Misaki said, her face unable to control the happiness oozing from it. Yuzuru, on the other hand, was still speechless, and he was trying to conjure up a sentence but all that came out from his mouth was, "Finally!"

She began laughing and so did he. "I can't believe it. How would we act tomorrow? We have to act normal around each other."

"How do we treat each other?" Yuzuru asked.

"Well we can't just hug when we meet my mother would be suspicious but we shouldn't act like we don't know each other. That would just be cruel."

"So, as friends?"

"Yeah, friends." Misaki agreed.

"I'm still going to hug and kiss you after the interview, even if it kills me." Yuzuru said.

"Someone sure is determined. I never knew you had that side of you." She teased him.

"Do not underestimate how much I've missed you. I'm in Japan and I still can't come and see you." 

"I miss you too. I think I have an idea on how we can get some time together after the show. Are you free after the show?" She asked.

"Yeah, why?" He asked.

"I'll take you somewhere no one will find us." She assured him.

The two continued talking, and after that, they found each other restless to meet once more after a long season had passed.

Misaki woke up the next day, excited as she began getting herself ready to go to the set of the talk show and once her mother came bursting through her front door, she was already having breakfast and watching TV.

"Hurry up! You're going to be late for your talk show appearance. You're going to be guest starring alongside a national treasure. So don't make a fool of yourself." Her mother warned.

He's my boyfriend, just so you know. She thought sarcastically to herself.

She tried her best to look as beautiful as she could; wearing a black dress with floral patterns sewn to it, she had her black heels complimenting the look. Walking into the set of the show, she was taken to the dressing room where her hair and makeup is being done.

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