One - Failure

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The echoey sound of footsteps tapping against the cold hard floors of the Ouran Academy hallways sounded far off, until they completely stopped, a girl opened her locker, many cream, white, blue and pink envelopes fell from her locker.

She sighed, there were twenty or so in total, and she stuck them in her bag to read later.

Her hair was french braided up the back, with two neat buns on the top of her head.

She was snatched by the arm and dragged down several hallways and up some stairs until they reached an extra classroom.

No desks, no chairs, everything was covered by a thick layer of dust, and in several corners there were webs with now dead spiders curled up in the very centers.

In the center of the room stood a small group, all of them of them seemed to be a bit older than her, aside from a pair of identical twins. She was surprised when they began approaching her, first, a small boy with a mop of soft-looking blonde hair hugged her without warning.

She picked him up, and gazed at him before she gently set him down.

Secondly, a black haired male with glasses came close to her, "You have Tamaki's eye and nose shape, and you share the same skin tone, however you're definitely younger, and you have a different hair and eyes color. Are you perhaps related?" He observed.

Before she could answer two pairs of hands rested on her body, two on each side, one on her right thigh, one on her left hip, one on her right shoulder and one on her small waist.

Two bodies pressed up against her own, trapping her between them.

Soft reddish-orange hair tickled her face as two long, slim fingers traced her features and a set of soft, warm lips brushed her ear.

Her face turned bright red as she looked around for help, everyone was just watching, kind of bored.

Except for Tamaki. He, was beyond angry.

"Onii-san h-help me..." She whispered helplessly.

"Don't worry beautiful-" One voice whispered, "We don't bite.. Much." A similar, but noticeably higher, voice finished.

Tamaki finally snapped, his face red with rage, "YOU TWO SHADY TWINS GET AWAY FROM MY BABY SISTER!! I DID NOT BRING HER HERE TO BE HARRASSED!!" He screeched, tearing the flustered girl from the twins grip.

"Oohh.." The identical twins chourused together.

"Well then, I was correct. So Tamaki, how did you manage to keep her a secret so easily?" Kyoya asked, pushing up his glasses.

"Well, every time I thought about it, I remembered you and those shady ass twins would take her away from me, Honey, Mori, and Haruhi would be no problem as she could very easily refuse people with personalities like their own, but with people like you three, not taking orders from anyone, she'd be unable to get away from you unless you physically did something to her that was a major issue." The blonde haired host explained.

The twins tilted their heads, "So why did you bring her now boss?" They asked in sync.

Tamaki grinned, "Well my little Y/n's birthday is soon and she wanted to meet my friends, so being the great older brother that I am, I took it upon myself to  bring her here to do so."

The girl scoffed, obviously seeing right through him. "Honestly Nii-san, you could have simply told me you were friends with three perverts, a crossdresser, a quiet person, and a small bean and then my curiosity would have been cured."

The whole room was silent. The twins, Tamaki, and Kyoya were at a loss for words.

The sound of glass shattering broke the silence, the girl strode out of the room, on her way elsewhere.

Immediately Tamaki was up and happy as ever.

"So boss.." Kaoru began, "What classes is she taking?" Hikaru finished the question, hardly missing a beat.

"Her next class is music, she is an aspiring vocalist, though her music taste is rather strange. She's taking a test to skip a year, though I'm sure she'll ace it, based on her interests, she will most likely pick French, English, Russian, and Spanish language classes, advanced mathematics, public speaking, dance and voice lessons." Tamaki spoke, curiosity lacing his tone as of he hadn't realized what his younger sibling was after.

She wanted her brothers heirship, and everything that came with it. She cared for her brother, but that didn't mean she would just let him have something he didn't work for. She was never a fan of being treated like an item all the time. Not once had anyone asked her for anything, and it irritated her beyond belief.

Haruhi looked puzzled, "But you said you were an only child, and she looks so different..." She pointed out.

"Yeah not only that but she's smarter than you too." Hikaru pointed out.

Again, a shattering sound came from Tamaki as he curled up in a corner, mushrooms had already appeared out of nowhere on him.

The next week the door to the abandoned third music room was thrown open, shoes clicked loudly against the newly polished floors, Tamaki's younger sister raked her hands through her hair, tugging at it.

She stormed up to her fakely blushing brother, tears beginning to slowly stream down her cheeks.

At first he was irritated at her intrusion, but then he noticed the  distressed state of his sibling.

She tugged him into a hug by his collar, speaking to him through her tears.

"I failed.. I won't get it... And I can't retake the test either...." She cried.

The girls on the couch whispered as Tamaki sat back down, setting her curled up and shaking form on his lap and embrcing her.

"Whatever it is you want, just tell me, and it's yours.." He whispered.

"N-NO!" She exclaimed. "Even if I told you, you wouldn't give it up.. That's the thing nii-san, what I want can't be given as a gift, it is an end goal that all my work is leading up to, if I don't fight for it then it's nothing to me, I'll just be proving everyone right." Her eyes screwed shut, as if doing so would keep her from reality.

"What do you want?" Tamaki pried, gently moving the loose strands of hair from around her face.

"I won't tell nii-san. Not for the world, it would ruin all my chances of getting it. I won't give it up like I've given everything else." She mumbled sleepily.

Her head hung down, she had fallen asleep.

The girls around him finally spoke, "She's your sister?" One spoke.


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