Part five

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He was angry.  Seeing his little sister dancing with a stranger made him angry. 

Besides that he was clearly drunk so he wasn't 100% aware of his actions. 

He tackled the guy to the ground and started to punch him. A crowd of people forming around him, including his friends who kept on yelling at him to let the other guy go. 

Much to everyone's surprise who were standing around watching, yelling, gasping in horror, someone stopped the fight, and that someone was no one other than Zara. 

Apparently, Michelle ran and looked for Zara to help her knowing full well Shawn will listen to her. 

Zara dragged Shawn out of the club, with her bare hands. 

She started yelling at him, but he wouldn't budge and finally she understood that it was for nothing, he was drunk, it was no use to try and teach him a lesson when he would hear me or pay atention at all. 

Mitchelle came out soon after, and asked Zara if he was okay. She told Mitchelle that he was drunk and that she will go with him back to the hotel to put him to sleep. 

Mitchelle offered to tag along, but Zara refused without hesitation. She didn't want Mitchelle to come along. She thought it was no use and that she better stay and enjoy the rest of the night. 

Mitchelle accepted, and returned back into the club. 

It didn't took long for Zara and Shawn to get back to the hotel. Once there, she wanted to put Shawn in bed, but then she saw his chuckles bleeding, so he took him into the bathroom and looked for a first aid kit. 

She slowly treated his chuckles, while he just stood and stared at her. 

''You're cute when you're focused.'' he said which meade her raise her head. 

She didn't know excatly what to say after that so she just mutterd a 'Thank you'. 

''I know you can feel it.'' he says

''Feel what?" she asked 

''This'' he pointed to both of them ''The attraction'' he says

She, again, was left speechless. Why would he say that, how would he know that, why now? she thought. He is drunk. He couldn't possibly mean what he was saying. Right?

So she just stood still, while both of them looked at the other. Zara, too preocupied to stare in his eyes, didn't notice, that he was now closer than before, much closer. Their noses being 2 cm apart. They could now feel each others breath on their skin. 

Zara being Zara, was intimidated and tried to back off, but her butt met the sink. And just like that she felt as the meat in a sandwich. 

Shawn was now, coming down closer to her lips, and just before they could lock lips, the door opened, showing the others confused and pleased in the same time. 

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