The mysterious hat

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Hello,So my name is Margo.I just turned 18 last month. It is still crazy to me that in an adult,not a little girl.Also I graduated school one month ago.Wow just wow.I moved to big city California Los Angeles and attend university called UCLA.Its really hard to get in here.But i deserve this,I worked hard for this.This was my biggest dream which I achieved wellp almost.haha.I live in a house where is 2floors.I live upstairs. Others live downstairs.There  is 6of us living here.They are all 18to!We get along together pretty well thats what I can say!.
Anyways lets not talk about me anymore,lets enjoy todays sunset.So as I grabbed my blue like oceans color skateboard i went outside.But when i opened a door i saw an interesting hat padd on my door handle... Hmmmm interesting havent seen this hanging before.The hat was all black with purple lines also word said "4OU DOLAN TWINS" written in white lines.Hm interesting..  I might go and catch up with my neigboors and find thw owner..Few hours later..Wellp  the last house I will go.FINGER  CRISS CROSS THAT I WILL FOUND THE OWNER!!!.so i rang...Few secssss..Im hearing a guy coming from upstairs saying I'm coming I'm coming! WAIT! welll omaigod i have never heard that guy voice is so hella sexsy wowwwwww.....So he opened a door and guess what I NEARLY CHOCKED ON FLIPPIN FUCKING AIRRR!!!

hey hope you enjoyed this.I will update you every saturday!
Pleaz vote,share:)and leave some opinions!!!☁️☁️ its 11:11 pm (make a wish  lol)ayways goodnight love ya.
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