30 : Concern

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Some times after the Hoseok Taehyung accident, none one of his close friends had the needs to call him nor check on him. Yea, it really sucks to have gossip flying around.

Jungkook despised him the most out of the bunch and it was a surprise either.

One of those days, Yoongi suddenly remembered about his old friend, Hoseok. It's nothing sudden to remember, he'd always thought about him after that accident.

"Yoongi, Hoseok's been ignoring my calls for some time now. Could you go to his house and check on him?" Hoseok's father left Yoongi a quick message to him.

Hoseok's father is a busy person. He serves as a traditional doctor that moves place to place since he's quite well known for his knowledge. He's different from Hoseok. Hoseok strives to be an internal organ doctor but he had little knowledge for what's out side of the body and the mental thinking. Maybe not little but he's still pure despite touching dead bodies in his past university year. Dancing was just a second thing he thought about because he had little to nothing to do after finishing medic. Sure their family is rich but he was still lonely.

His mother hasn't been beside her ever since he was 5 years old. She passed away from a sudden heart attack. Maybe that's why he had little knowledge over society. Alone for most of the time that is.

Yoongi's father is a high payed salary businessman and a former regular of Hoseok's father. They had grew close ever since they knew their son went to the same school. Because Hoseok's father was always away, he had relied on Yoongi to check if anything happens to his son. Just like now.

His father didn't know his son almost committed a scene and that's a good thing.

Now that he recalls, he remembered Jimin saying Hoseok hasn't attend class.

Yoongi rang the doorbell to wait for a response and after 2 minutes, there were none.

Luckily, he had extra keys with him. So he let himself in.

"Oh, hyung. You're here"

Yoongi stood frozen. His lips open up to word him but he force it to shut. His feet wasn't going to sit still so he ran to him.

"What the fuck!" He inspected the empty syringe on the glass table. The syringe may be empty but it had sign that it had been pushed down. It's used.

"What have you been using?!"His teeth grinds, not wanting to hear the bad answer. He wanted a good answer.

"Why so serious? You've used them" He smile.

"I've already quit them! If you think you could get fucking away with problems by using illegal drugs, you're wrong Hoseok. You're dead wrong" Hoseok kept smiling "I feel at ease. My pain goes away when I use one"

"Are you depressed?" Hoseok's smile disappeared. "Are you?" Yoongi repeated his question, but it seems he has already gotten it.

"Everyone avoids me, Everyone doesn't give me the attention that I wanted. Not you, not Jimin, not anybody.. so I guess being confined in this house made it worst.. I can't tell dad about this, he'll be sad..so I had to use it.." Yoongi bit his bottom lips in detest. "I was busy with Jimin.. I wanted to go to you but I was just.. busy.. he needs love Hoseok. He needs love. He's still a kid."

"You're saying I don't?" When Yoongi's band came in touch his cheeks, he slapped the hand off. "You're saying I'm not a human that's needed attention and love?! I may be used to it but that doesn't mean that I like it! You've drawn the last straw by saying that you dumbass Min Yoongi"

Yoongi reached out his hand to him when he stood up. He knew that he shouldn't have said that but he couldn't help but to tell the truth.

Jimin is still considered pure and he needed to teach him the right and wrong. But Hoseok was right. Both of them are the same and Yoongi shouldn't choose one. He should've been equal.

"Hoseok!" Yoongi had to forcefully pull Hoseok to his attention by gripping on his shoulder.

"Listen Hoseok. I took care of Jimin because he asked me! You're right, you need attention but I thought I had given you plenty of those in the past. We were always together after all!"

Hoseok cried

"I just wanted your attention.. only yours.. I thought I could escape to Taehyung but you were still on my mind" He buried his face on Yoongi's neck "why are you still on my mind.."

"Just stop using those things.. alright?" Yoongi patted his head.

Months later after that accident. Yoongi explained to the others that what Hoseok did was unintentional and Jimin played a part on apologizing too.

"Hoseok, you stopped using those drugs right?"

Hoseok stopped his track and turns to him "what drugs?"

"The one you used to inject yourself with at that night months back"

"You mean Acetaminophen?" Yoongi blinks "What in the name of demon is that?"

"It's something for a high fever. I couldn't get my fever down so I had to use it. Kinda embarrassing for a doctor to use that" He scratch his neck

"You little shit-"


sorry for the short flashback chapter but I'm a sope trash

The toys that Yoongi used with will never be revealed LOLOLOL
I'll leave it up to your imagination
1. With Jimin
2. With Hoseok
3. With himself
4. With Jimin & Hoseok (3sum)

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