The Best Friend Tag (w/Kian Lawley) 👫📹💞

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"What's up guys? It's Kian & today I'm here with...

"Mabel, hi!" 

"Yes, so I'm here with my best friend Mabel & today we are going to be doing the best friend tag." 

Mabel: "Yup this is happening guys." 

"Ok, so now we will start with the first question which is: Who is your best friend's hero?" 

Mabel: Your hero is Jim Carrey kian." 

"Yes that's right Mabel! Ok your turn..." 

Mabel: "Ok, if I could watch any  type of movie genre would it be a chick-flick, action, comedy, or a horror movie?" 

"You would watch a chick flick movie Mabel." 

Mabel: Yeah you're right Kian, I would watch a chick-flick's my favorite kind of genre!" 

(K)/Kian: "Ok, if your best friend were to wear a shirt, blouse, or a Tee, which would it be?" 

Mabel: "Kian, you wouldn't wear a Tee...I mean it's your favorite kind of shirt and you own millions of them." 

"Yeah you're right Mabel, I would wear a Tee and that's also very true I do have millions of them, but I can't help it....I just know what I like when I see it in front of me."

*23 questions later* 

Mabel: "Ok, so the last question isn't really part of the Best Friend tag...but I pulled it from my twitter which is @mabel_xx13 if any of you guys wanna follow me...from @ohanakian and it says "can you and kian kiss please??" 

(K/Kian): "Sure! Let's do it"...I said as I pulled Mabel in for a long and passionate kiss (that I enjoyed every single second of). 

Mabel: "Wow, that was are SUCH a good kisser Kian." 

(K/Kian): "Yeah it was and thanks Mabel...wanna do it again?" 

Mabel: Yes Kian, I wanna do it again for sure." 

(Kian leaned close into Mabel for another kiss, then covered up the camera with his hand & ended the video that way

The Best Friend Tag (A Kian Lawley Imagine for @sillykianXjc)Where stories live. Discover now