Ch.13 Bonding?

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  Hey guys! I know it's been a few weeks since I've updated and I'm really sorry. I've been trying to update my other stories but once again I'm struck with writers block. So here's a chapter of Living With My Bully(it's kinda short..I think?)

Ch. 13 Bonding? 

                   ****Oliver's POV***

     "Oliver, do you keep secrets from me?" Iris asks as we're watching tv. I look over at her, she's already staring at me. "What are you talking about?" I reply. Which secret in particular does she mean?...What? I trust her but some things are better to keep to myself.

"You just seem like you might be hiding something from and your mom." She fiddles with her sleeves, "I could be wrong and just overthinking it though.." She mumbles.

"Look Iris, we're not necessarily hiding something from you, it's just.." I sigh softly, "I guess I could tell you, it's nothing bad." She listened intently at what I was about to say. "When you first started living here, I wasn't exactly happy with it. I mean, we weren't friends so I guess I kinda complained about it to my mom. She told me that you were a nice girl, which you are, and to promise her that I would be there for you and be kind to you." What's with all of us and promises?

She frowns. "So everything we've ever spoken about and every time you were nice to was all an act?" She asks, her voice cracking slightly. I shake my head quickly, "Well, maybe for the first few days, I was just acting nice..but now I realize that I don't need that promise anymore to be nice to you. I can be myself around you and not some 'bad boy' the school thinks I am. We're still friends, right?" I ask hopeful she'll say yes.

I realize now that...I need Iris in my life. She's become really important to me lately, not just me but my whole family.

She smiles warmly, "Of course we are, Oliver. I just didn't want to find out that everything was a lie." She says, sighing softly. "I'd never lie to you if I knew it would make you upset...even though I kinda did before." I mumble, nervously running a hand through my hair. She giggles causing me to smile.

Suddenly my phone plays a tune, signaling someone specific texted me. Gotta go to work.

I read the message over and then look over at Iris. "I have to go somewhere for a bit, we can finish our marathon later." I explain to her, pausing Netflix as I stand up. "Alright fine, be back soon, we left off at a cliffhanger." She tells me, smiling as she stands up also.

"Will do." I chuckle as I get ready to leave.


I'm sitting on the living room couch, catching up on Steven Universe. What? I like cartoons.

The theme song begins playing and I turn the volume up a bit. Suddenly, there's a lot of thumping upstairs and then someone is running down the stairs. Then Iris jumps down the last few stairs wearing a Steven Universe hoodie, "And Steven!" She shouts as she's up in the air then her feet touch the floor.

I chuckle. "You watch Steven Universe too?" I ask her. "Duh," She points to her hoodie.

"Can I join you?" She asks nervously, fiddling with her sleeves. I shrug, "Sure, if you want to." I say, looking back at the tv.

She walks over, sitting on the far end of the couch. I look over at her, an eyebrow raised. "You can sit closer y'know, I don't bite." I tease, smirking. She glances at me, face flushed. "Right....I knew that.." Iris mumbles.

She scoots over a bit but she's still far from me. I shake my head, reaching over and grabbing her hand before I pull her over to me. "See? I'm not that bad." I chuckle, letting go of her hand and looking back at the tv again.

I glance at Iris again, "By the way, where did you get your hoodie?" I ask. "Oh, I bought it online." She tells me, shrugging a bit. "Buy me one." I demand. "No, I'm not buying you a hoodie." She retorts, narrowing her eyes at me.

I lean in towards her face, her eyes widen as her face gets red. "I wasn't asking." I grin at her as I see her reaction, then lean away. She lets out a sigh of relief, "Oh thank god, I thought you were gonna kiss me." She mutters, shaking her head.

I put a hand to my heart in an offended manner. "Who wouldn't want to kiss this Sullivan goodness?" I smirk, winking at her. She pretends to gag, "I rather drink toilet water."

I chuckle, "We both know that's s lie." I say, looking back at the tv. Iris scoffs, "You're unbelievable." She mumbles. "Why thank you," I respond, grinning. Iris looks away from the tv, "See what I mean.." She mumbles to no one in particular.

I hand her the chips that I was snacking on. "Want any?" I offer, looking at her. "Sure." She says, grabbing a handful of chips and shoving them in her mouth. I give her a strange look and place the bag of chips on her lap, "You can just keep that..." I mutter, chuckling softly.

This is weird. She's weird. Everything's weird - what the hell is going on?! We've never really bonded like this before...except last night..

I glance at Iris. She's smiling wide, her eyes still shining bright..unless that's the tv screen, but either way, she still somehow always looks perfect. I smile wide as I stare at her, she looks over at me and I quickly look back at the tv.

She snickers beside me. Out of the corner of my eye, I notice that she's smirking. Oh boy, what's with that look? I don't like it.

I feel something lay on my shoulder. Is she?.. I look down to see Iris resting her head on my shoulder. She looks up at me, smiles innocently and looks back at the tv.

"You, uh, you okay there?" I ask her, my voice sounding nervous. "Yep, perfectly fine." She says, smiling still. She must've noticed how tense I was because she moves closer to mock me! I know I flirt and joke around with her but I think this is taking it too far!

"Alright. What drugs are you on?" I interrogate her, eyebrow raised. "I don't know what you're talking about." She smirks. "Don't start with me." I warn her.

She giggles then lifts her head off my shoulder. "I've never really told you before but you are cute." She admits, smiling at me. If I wasn't creeped out, I would've replied with a snarky comment. "I'm actually worried. Are you feeling okay? There's no way you'd ever admit that to me, even yourself." Confusion and worry is now laced through my tone.

"You're so oblivious." She mutters. I raise an eyebrow, "What are you talking-"

Iris shakes her head and pulls my face closer to hers as she kisses me deeply. My eyes widen but I find myself kissing back. We pull apart a few seconds later. She's smiling wide while I probably have the most confused look on my face. Not gonna lie, I enjoyed it.

"Woah..." is all I can mumble. Iris giggles at my reaction. I lean in again for another kiss-

I wake up in a panic. It was all just a dream? I look over at the clock that reads 2:21am. I lay back down, staring at the ceiling. What a nightmare...


Heyo! I hope you enjoyed this chapter, again I'm sorry it's been a while. My friends actually forced me to update today so here it is. I'll try working on my other stories too, I've realized that I've mostly been focusing on this story more than the others. But anyway, if you guys enjoyed please like, comment, and leave feedback! Thanks! Bye bye💖


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