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Slowly and silently, each day passes; Hidden beneath the shadows of those who surround me. With each encounter another frightened face, the misconceptions I have created obliviously. What irony, to be named “Serene” meaning at peace, calm, and untroubled. Put in a school with no one to befriend me. Not even my own sister, for she is completely opposite from me. One after the other, a problem arises. “How unlike me,” I whisper to myself as I stare off into space.

            At last, the bell has rung; telling everyone to go home. I walk towards the front gate of the academy and wait for our butler Jeffrey to pick us up as always. He arrives five minutes later than usual but still formally escorts me into the vehicle as quickly as he can. Celine arrives ten minutes later along with a couple of her friends.

“Drop me off at this address; here is a list of names and contact information; if ever needed” she states confidently. “Mama and papa know about my dinner arrangements so there is no need to worry.”

 She then hands the paper filled with all of the contact information to Jeffrey. Half an hour passes, I can sense theirs stares but do not dare to look back.

 “Ms. Edwards we have arrived at your destination.”

His words are spoken so firmly in a serious tone, along with a poker face. The both of us turn to face Jeffrey, he exit’s the vehicle and comes around to open Celine’s door.

“Hey Celine isn’t that girl the delinquent everyone has been talking about?” whispers Tina pointing me out secretively as she, Celine, and Linzy exit the car.

            It was obvious who they were gossiping about, who would have known I was actually a delinquent. Everyone but me, that’s who, I sigh feeling depressed. Finally, Jeffrey once again steps into the vehicle and drives off.    

“I am certain they are talking about me,” I say to myself.

Jeffrey does nothing but comfort me, I am unsure as to whether he was being sincere or just simply doing his job. 

            We passed through many fields of green grass and wheat. I have once again come home to a humongous fenced mansion. Our father; Ron Edwards, had gotten our house made and designed according to his desire long time ago. We finally moved in two years later when the blueprint was completed, ten years ago. Within his land; in our backyard, lays a secret garden in which mother had given to Celine and I as a birthday present. Only the three of us know of it; I can still reminisce what she had told us that day when Celine and I turned seven years old;

“With every problem that comes in your way I would like you to plant two flowers; in hope that your problem would disappear as one flower withers. Although with every friend that you have made plant a tree; hoping that your friendship will be stronger and last longer than it,” I say imitating mother, word for word.

            Mother had told us to keep our garden a secret. The both of us swore not to tell anyone. Back then mother had planted many flowers. How sorry I felt for her, for she wouldn’t tell anyone her problems. Instead she’d keep it all locked up inside of herself. If only she told me about all of her suffering and pain had I been able to comfort her. Although it is too late to do so, the tree in which mother and I planted together stays within our garden and continues to grow. When the time comes that this tree passes shall I be able to plant a new seed, a new flower, a new friendship. As one could have guessed there are many beds of flowers which lay in our garden. This garden means a lot to me; it reminds me of the time I have spent with my mother. Standing within our garden I feel comforted, warm, and safe; it helps me relax and overcome obstacles which others may find ridiculous.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 27, 2014 ⏰

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