Glenwood Prep!

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Name: " I'm Polly lovely to meet you!'

Age: "What's it to you?" (16)

Crush: "Oh um...." (Doesn't have one yet)

Looks: "What you blind?"

School: "I-I go to Forest high!"

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School: "I-I go to Forest high!"

Friends: "So what if I don't have any?"

Animal: "I'm fused with a panda...."

Other: "I have two personalities! One's shy and sweet and the other is brave and mean"

school grade: "I-I am a sophomore"

Name:  "I'm Bahhh-zil"

Age: "I'm 17"

Crush: "I don't like anyone right now"

Looks: "Maybe you should look Bahhh-ck"

Looks: "Maybe you should look Bahhh-ck"

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School: "I go to Forest high"

Friends: "I'm friends with polly"

Animal: "Bah! I'm fused with a ram!"

Other: "I'm pretty chill but I can lose my temper easily and plus I'm great at jumping and hit things with my head"

school grade: "I'm a junior"


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