"Rules" and The Quiz

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Alrighty! Here's how I'm going to do this:

I'm going to have a character list for you guys. It'll have fifteen characters and they'll each be used once.

Then, I'll give you guys fifteen descriptions, each one is a question. Each description is a description for a character in A Chorus Line (it's a musical, a very good one at that). 

Comment which Ninjago character you think goes with the description.

There are two times when you can get .5 points, and the purpose of the points is because I guess I'll write you a oneshot about a character and situation you'd like as a prize if that's fun?

Lastly, I will bold one trait I associate with the Ninjago character in the description as a slight hint, but only the traits that came with the description, not the ones that I added and there are some that have super obvious ones that I won't highlight only because it will definitely give it away.

Alrighty! Here is the NInjago character option list:










Ultra Violet






Alright! And now for the questions! Note, these are the official descriptions from the show aside from a few changes made by me, so not all of some of the description is entirely accurate to the character! Each time it says dancing, it means, for the Ninjago characters sake, fighting or being a ninja. ALSO, note the villains in Ninjago on this list are not villains in the AU, so some villains will have good traits. 

You'll have four hints!

Let's go!

1. Is introverted and slightly insecure but loves performing (aka fighting or being a ninja)- is only now starting to feel comfortable about being gay and accepted by parents. Most reserved of the group, struggles opening up.

2. Street wise, a little bit tough, eternal optimist and starry eyed. A determined, athletic, dancer, often underestimated. Slightly sassy.

3. Can be quite aggressive, determined, cocky, sure of themself BUT likeable.

4. Sexy, sassy, funny, foul-mouthed. A brazen, direct person who can be good with words, slightly as if you want to listen when they speak.

5. Enthusiastic, cool and funny. Likeable and laid back. (Hint: 'Laid back' is in the description of the Ninjago character as well.)

6. Very talented dancer, can be shy and is kind hearted. Underestimates themselves. (Hint: 'kind hearted' was used in the Chorus Line character description, and the Ninjago character that I matched with this character was described as 'good hearted'.)

7. Optimistic, first timer, naive but charming. Great dancer and all around American kid, hopeful and fresh. Tries hard to impress. (Hint: do not focus too much on 'first timer'.)

8.  Quirky, gawky, scatterbrained. Can be loud and unafraid to share opinion. Nervous, very awkward except when dancing.

9. Flamboyant, witty, sharp tongued, had a slightly hard childhood. Has trouble connecting with others, says that they are "real, real strange". (Hint: May not be who you think.)

10. Brassy, sassy, sexy, b***hy, and sophisticated.

11. Over-sexed, over-drugged (again, not that any characters have done drugs or sex or anything haha), done it all before, gay, very conscious of how they look and appear to others, quite a smartalec.

12. Sweetheart, little sister type, sweet woman who grew up slightly troubled, imaginative, wants to be loved.

13. Ladies man, into money and women, hedonist, cool, flirtatious, very sure of themselves but despite that is still self-conscious and nervous on the inside, can be cocky.

14. Very insecure about looks, can be funny which is a cover for insecurities, feels a little excluded but just wants to be liked.

15. Mother hen, confident, tries hard, sweet, fun to be around.

Alright, that's it! Some of these are... hard and Raven and Jen disagree with me, but I have a reason for them all, which I will explain in the answer section which I will post in maybe a week?

NOTE: There are two that I am still trying to figure out. I can see both Ninjago characters as the both Chorus Line characters, so if anyone chooses one instead of the other for what I have you'll get half a point. I won't say who yet, but yeeeah.

Comment your answers below, let me know why you chose what you did if you're feeling extra because I'd love to know what you think! If you guys liked this, let me know and I might make more because quizzing my friends was fun!

Remember, who ever wins will get a onshot about a favorite character as specific or broad as you'd like!

Thanks for playing, and thanks for helping me out with this AU Fic!

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 29, 2018 ⏰

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