When I was nine years old it was like my world came crashing down. My parents a divorce and my mom got custody of me and my siblings I had a twin sister named katlin and two little brothers that are twins. So my mom really had no where to go but her friend offered her to stay with him so she took the offer. So we did and sadly eight months we found out she did drugs whitch ment we had live with my dad and. We didn't see her for like 4 months then in that time she apparently broke up with her boyfriend and about. Two months later my dad came home from his lunch break and told us that my moms ex boyfriend had died of a heart attack. It was really heart breaking after that is when I felt sucidle I didn't tell anyone for 2 years but anyway it was really close to my birthday and that's when we go to the next chapter
It was about 8 months after my birthday I told the counselor that I was suicidle and she called my dad and I talked with her about for 2 months then my 11th birthday rolled around and. The counselor saw I wasn't getting any better so they sent me to the emergency room and the got me a therapist after my first meeting. I found out my mom did drugs again I was so mad but any way that leads us up to today 5-3-2018 I had a nother appointment and I sucked then as soon I got. Back to school it was names and all that at edge this asshole let's name him Adonis I joined a game of football but like he threw the ball and whoever caught got then. They got to throw the ball so I caught it and he said it doesn't count because I'm a worthless girl so I threw the ball as hard as I could. At him and he whispered to me I should have threw that at your head go I walked away from them and I was standing on a log looking thing and he looked at me and threw it right at my head and. One of my friends let's name him Lucas told him to stop and that's the end I hope y'all like my life.