Do I like her ???

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Jennie said while hugging me. When she hugged me i felt goosebumbs going trough my body . I felt someyhing which I  never felt before..... It felt like Im in love with someone.

Jungkook's Pov

When I got out of the office I saw jimin carrying someone and ran outside the school . I called his name but he couldnt hear, so I ran after him and he went towards the hospital  when I entered the hospital I lost them. I asked the receptionist and she toldm e which room they went. I ran towards the room. Whilei  was running i thought I saw jimin entering a room 3 doors further. I peeked from the window to make sure if it was the room , but I wasnt happy for what i saw . Jimin was hugging jennie and he was kind of smiling... I felt anger and jealousy going through my body. I dont know why.

Do i like her?

No she is just a friend. My best friend. How can i love with her .
I got inside the room and asked ...

"are you ok , what happened"

She replied while breaking the hug 

"yes i am , Nothing , just....

Doctor came inside and told us that she can go home now . We went and dropped jennie to her house and jimins house is 2 houses further . While i was walking towards my home , i asked to my self

"Does she like me ?"

"Does jimin likes her ?"

"Do I like her ?"


Sorry for the late update and for the typo mistakes.

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