I trust you

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(A/N sorry I just found out how to add chapters lmao😂)

Taylor's P.O.V

The next morning I woke up and checked the time. 11:53

"Ughhh" I groned, but was careful not to wake up Harry

I turned around and stared at Harry. Yes, i know what your thinking, 'stalker status.' but I just like looking at him. His features are so defined and beautiful. You wouldn't ever get tired of looking at him. His lips were slightly parted, as a little snore escaped his mouth. I slightly giggled and slipped out of bed.

I was making breakfast and I felt a pair of muscular arms wrap around my waist.

"Good morning princess." a raspy voice said

Seconds later I felt a pair of wet lips plant on my cheek.

"Good morning." I said. And, I couldn't help but smile.

"We're going out today." Harry said as he opened the fridge and took out the orange juice

"Okay. What time?." I said

"Around 7." Harry said while walking off

"Oh, yeah and wear something nice." he said and I could almost feel his smirk.

It's now 6:15 and I just woke up from my nap.

Wait- ITS 6:15 ALREADY?? I'm late!!! I think out loud as I rush into the shower.

5 minutes later I'm done and I slip into my robe.

"Where's my damn robe??" I say

"Oh, yeah. I'm wearing it. Calm down taylor" I say out loud

Geez. I'm going crazy.

I go it the bathroom and get my make up ready.

I applied foundation, concealer, powder, blush, bronzer, cat eye-liner, mascarra, false lashes, and, of corse, red lipstick.

I checked the time: 6:40. Crap

I turned on my flat iron and started straightening my hair for about 3 minutes.

I then ran to my closet and picked out this pinkish, coral dress and a pair of black wedges.

Perfect I thought as the clock struck 7 o'clock.

Just then, the doorbell rang.

Harry's P.O.V

Wow. I'm nervous. I know this isn't our first date or anything, but I'm nervous.

What If she dosnt like what I'm wearing? Or the food? Or the place? WHAT IF WHAT IF??

My thoughts were interupted by the door opening.


That was all I could say

She looks stunning

"Shall we, my lady?" I say as I hold out my arm.

"We shall" she said with a smile and takes my arm as we start driving to the restaurant.

Taylor's P.O.V

He. Looks. Hot.

What else can I say?

Just, wow.

My thoughts were interupted by the car stopping and I realized we were here.

Uh.... Why Is there paps and fans here? There's at least 200 people here!

"Oh god." I say

"Fuck!" Harry yells, then quicky apologizes

"How do they Alwyas find us??" Harry says, still fuming

"Harry, just forget them. Let's have a goodnight." I say, trying to calm him down.

"Okay, okay. Your right. Don't let then get in your head." Harry says in a raspy voice.

We get out of the car and start to push through the crowd.

'You whore!'

'Stay away from Harry!'

'What, are you gonna write a song about this too?'


I stopped.

This was too much.

I can't do this.

"Taylor? TAYLOR!" Harry says snapping me back

"I, i, I can't" I whisper

I see a taxi and call it over. I get in and all i could see is Harry running after me, followed by the paps and crazed fans.

When I finaly get home, I run upstairs and cry into my pillow.

They're right. I don't deserve Harry. I'm a slut. And a whore. I can't keep a man. They all use me.

But Harry's diffrent. He makes me feel things. Things I've never felt before. I can't belive I just let him go. Just like that. Wow.

"You and I. We don't wanna be like them. No we can't make it till the end. No nothing can come between you and I. Ooh, you and I." A familar voice shook through me ears.


"Babe open the door please."

I walked over to the door and saw him standing there. He's still perfect. His green eyes sparkling. Searching mine.

"Taylor." he whispered.

I just fell into his arms and sobbed.

"Taylor taylor. It's okay babe. Don't listen to them." Harry cooed into my ear.

"I know i know. But it gets to you sometimes. And they're right." I say when I finaly catch my breath.

"No they're not! You are not a slut, nor a whore!" Harry said, kinda loud.

"Your a beautiful young lady that I am hopelessly and irrovocablry in love with." he said just above a whisper.

"I love you." I whispered

"I love you." He said back.

We just stared into eachothers eyes for a while untill he broke the silence.

"Taylor?" he said, with wide sparkling eyes filled with passion.

"Yes?" I asked, curious.

"Do you trust me?" He said

"Of corse, why?" I said more eager.

"Then travel the world with me. We can take a break. No paps. No fans. No nothing. Just me and you." he said while smiling with passionate eyes.

I couldn't belive what I was hearing. What?

"Are you crazy?" I said, dumbfounded

"Just think about it." he said.

He carried me down staires and set me down on the couch. He sat too.

We were watching tv, when Sudenly I said;


"Huh?" Harry said, turning to me.

"I trust you." I said while staring into his eyes.

He smiled and turned on his phone, looking for plane tickets.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 27, 2014 ⏰

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