◇ three ◇

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Hey all x here's number three x

Malea's POV

"She's gone Shawn, she's gone." I croak out, expecting Shawn to begin sobbing his pure heart out.

But he didn't.

He focuses his eyes on the sink in his hospital room and they stay there. He doesn't blink, he doesn't move. His eyes weren't teary, they were dry. Completely dry.

He was speechless.

I brush my thumb over his cheek, breaking his trance.

"Are you okay?"

He opens his mouth but can't get his words out. He looked utterly broken, but he wasn't able to get any pain out.

"Ah... but..."

His head moved deeper into my chest and I just hold him, taking my fingers through his hair. 

"But she was right there." He manages to say, trying to lift his head up.

"No, you need your rest. Stay laying there." I carefully lean his head back, letting him rest up.

"Where's my mum?" Shawn asks, his voice breaking my heart.

"She's coming honey, I'll call her for you." I reach into my pocket and see Karen has texted me.

Hey sweetie. I'll be there soon. Give Shawn my love x 🌸


"Yes honey, what is it?"

"How did... what happened?"

I knew what he meant. He wanted to know the full extent as to what had happened at his show. I didn't want to tell him for several reasons - I actually didn't know the full story yet. All I knew was that there had been a terrorist attack and that five people, including Shawn's gramdmother, had died.

I was about to tell Shawn what I knew but Karen and Aaliyah came in. I was secretely relieved as I wanted Shawn to recover a bit before he found out.

"M... mum" he stutters, tears welling in his eyes as soon as he sees that his sister and mother were upset.

"Hey, how are you?" Karen asks softly, caressing Shawn's cheek.

Shawn began shaking his head violently, tears falling from his eyes.

"No, please Shawn. It's okay." Karen coos, gently lifting him off my chest and pulling him into her arms, Shawn sobbing.

"I did this..." Shawn sees Aaliyah's bandaged nose and begins crying harder. "What happened to you? I should've protected you and I didn't."

"Shawn look at yourself. You've just had surgery, got shot twice and are in hospital. You did all that you could." Aaliyah sobs, and I get out of bed to let Aaliyah lay down with her brother.

"Malea, come here for a second." Karem pulls me to the side and we go out of the room.

"What is it?"

"They've told us what happened. So far, 36 people confirmed dead, mainly children."

I gasp, tears falling from my eyes. Children were targeted, innocent children. What did they do aside from wanting to have a night of fun?

This was going to crush Shawn as his fans had been killed.

"Shawn's gonna blame himself." I sigh, pulling my hair out of my bun.

"I agree. But we need to make sure he understands that its not his fault."

"His fans died. His grandmother has been killed. Its gonna crush him more than anything."

"Malea please keep him well rested and calm. I don't want to lose him."

I give her a tight hug, reassuring her that I will make sure to keep Shawn at least reasonably well.

He takes things to heart. He tries to hide it but small things really get to him. He keeps things to himself and doesn't let people in when he's hurting. I've never met anyone who builds up walls higher than he does, he distances himself.

I couldn't let that happen. Not now.

"I'll tell him in the morning. He's still on high painkillers, besides he's asleep." I exclaim, pointing in to Shawn's hospital room, where the two siblings were sleeping, Shawn holding her sister more protectively than I had ever seen before.

He really was broken. He just didn't know it himself.

"Come on, lets let him rest up. You need to go home and sleep Malea." Karen pats my shoulder, she was right. I needed sleep but I couldn't leave Shawn on his own.

"I can't leave him, I'll sleep on the folding bed near Shawn." I respond, smiling at her.

"I'll take Aaliyah back home. Just let Shawn know what happened."

"I will do." It was now 4am and I hadn't really slept. I go into Shawn's hospital room and gently wake Aaliyah up, telling her that she was going home.

Shawn was completely knocked out, exhausted from the events of last night.

The nurse then comes in and inserts some painkillers into his IV.

"I've lowered the dose. He should be well enough to go home in the evening." She explains. "Just keep an eye on him, he's gonna be in pain as the bullet broke his rib and he's had surgery."

"That's good news." I yawn, deciding to get into bed with Shawn as he was going to be in pain when he woke up.

I didn't realise how exhausted I was until I fell asleep until 11am, something that I rarely did.

"Malea are you awake?" Shawn asks, squeezing my hand.

"Yeah, how are you honey?"

"What happened?" He almost snaps, but his voice was full of pain.

I take a deep breath before explaining.

"There was a terrorist shooting. Last I heard, 36 had been killed, including your gorgeous grandmother." I explain softly, trying to be strong for Shawn as he was upset.

"I saw the crowd." He sobs, tears in his eyes. "Children. They were kids."

"Shawn look at me..."

"No... I killed them. I killed my grandmother, and I killed the children. I killed my own fans."

From that moment, things would never be the same for Shawn...


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