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It has been a long time. I left in November, it has been....ALMOST 7 MONTHS????



Ok, I suck. 

(Btw cover was made by ImaDrkAngl. Why does the bush have hearts? Because we should all love bushes) 

Sooooooooo, you all have probably been wondering where I have been, and possibly what I've been doing for the past seven months. 

So here's a little story I like to call.


So once upon a time, I made a friend. This is literally the world's worst story intro ever, but hey, that's ok!

So Ronald made a friend, yay, that's good. But in a mere....amount of time this friend would SCREW EVERYTHING UP

Let me describe Mason. (I will be using first names, because the majority of our names are super common, BUT NO LAST NAMES. But that's ok because mine sucks anyways.) 

Mason looks like he belongs in a k-pop band, and he hates that, because I will always make some sort of k-pop reference when he enters a room. 

But, I guess it wouldn't really work because of his name, so we'd have to change it. Watch this:

Suga, Jimin, Mason, Junkook....

IT DOESN'T WORK!!! Plus he can't sing or dance to save his life so he is the definition of the math loving smart asian stereotype. 

This usually works in my favor because Mason loves math more then life itself, and I can usually get him to do math for me. 


Mason is also a hacker. He is a computer genius who can hack and destroy anything, and it's kinda scary because I live off of the internet and I don't need him destroying it.

One fine day, that was about to turn not so fine because my internet self was about to die, My computer was hacked by a hacker who was not Mason, and I freaked the hell out. 

Me: *runs into his office* LOOOOOOOOK!

Mason: If you drop your computer I'm gonna laugh.

Me: Nothing is ok, look at this, I have been hacked, I am not safe, My cat is probably dead!

Mason: Relax, I got you. Just let me see it. 

Me: *holds my baby away from him*

Mason: Come on, have I ever destroyed something on there?

Me: Yes, it was my twitter. Just let me see it Ronald, you said. It won't be bad, you said. AND THEN YOU KILLED IT! 

Mason: That was an accident. Sorry, Now give.

I finally gave it to him after making him swear on holy matrimony that nothing would go wrong. (I have no idea why I said holy matrimony. It kinda just happened) 

Mason: Ok, it's not to serious. It's a *insert computer word* I'll just *insert more computer words* and then *more computer words*

Me: Uh huh, ok. *pretending to understand everything* 

So there we were, sitting in complete silence so I started whistling house of the rising sun, because I could, and it was great, and everything was ok, BUT THEN! 

Mason: Uh oh.

Me: What?

Mason: It's ok, I'll just, whoops.

It is never good when a hacker says "whoops"

Me: What did you do?

Mason: I just kindadestroyedyourwattpad


Mason: It's ok, I just destroyed the login platform, so it won't accept your password and you can't log in. It's ok


So that is what happened. Anyways, Mason did stop the initial hacking, but my gmail was destroyed, so if I stopped appearing on hangouts that is why. 

So if I told you all that my account was hacked, you probably thought I wasn't hacked by my own friend. But I was, and that's just how weird my life is. 

So there's that story. (And don't hate Mason. He finally fixed it for me.) So now you're probably wondering what the deal with this book is. 

The deal is: I wanna write about life so people can agree it is weird. 

That's not really a deal. OH WELL.

I kinda just wanted to write something new, and write about my friends, and my life, and worst of all JOHN THE ACCOUNTANT! 

I will talk about him more later. 

So I guess this is the end of this chapter. THE END! 

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