Ours (Part 2)

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Despite trying his best to not make a ruckus, the door slams open a bit louder than Harry intended it to. But with two arms full of grocery bags, there's not much he can do to stop it. He hisses at the reverberating sound and shuffles into his kitchen, setting the bags down next to island. He turns back to shut the door and then lock it before dropping his keys and phone onto the counter.

The house is disturbingly quiet, a quiet that he recognizes, but hasn't had to face in the month or so you'd been staying with him. There's no sound of music playing or of your twinkling laughter at the tv show you two were binge watching this week (Parenthood), or the sound of your determined and convincing voice wavering through his flat as you handle a work phone call.

His brows furrow at the silence and he toes his boots off in a haste before making his way through the house that had so quickly become yours as much as it was his. He knows you're home from seeing your car parked in the driveway.

"Love?" He calls out as he delves further into the hall. He's trying hard to keep his panic at bay. After what had happened a few weeks ago, he'd found it increasingly difficult to not worry himself senseless over you. The next day after that night (one that when recalled sends his heart into overdrive), you'd been on your feet fussing about this and that and meeting whatever deadline you had next at work. He was still trying to learn a practical balance between not overcrowding you and not worrying himself sick. He knows better than anyone how independent and determined you are when it comes to your career and getting things done. But he also knows how hard you push yourself, and if he has anything to do with it- it won't get to that point again.

He's called your name twice up the staircase, and is met with no response. He's about to head up them, thinking you might be in the shower when he casts a frantic glance into the living room and spots a pair of fuzzy sock clad feet sticking out over the edge of the couch.

He lets out an exhale, pushing his hand into his hair as he descends the two steps he managed to climb and strides on tingling legs into the living room. He peeks around the couch, craning his neck as he moves closer. He feels his anger and panic immediately melting away at the sight before him.

You're asleep. Truly, knocked out. You've got the fluffy blanket he keeps draped on the back of the couch clutched tightly to you, one hand holding it against your cheek. Your other arm is invisible under the blanket but he knows it's resting on top of your stomach. The pull on the blanket has consequently left your feet sticking out in the air. Your face is half buried into the blanket, hair cascading into it, and he can't help but chuckle as he kneels down next to you.

Of the many things Harry had learned about you while you were pregnant, his favorite had to be that it had made you even more cuddly than before. You two weren't shy to cuddling up on the couch during a movie night before, but now that you've moved in he's noticed that your need has grown. Most days you opt to wear oversized sweaters (some of which are his) and leggings. You're always clinging to a pillow, or a blanket, and if he's lucky enough- him. Although, he has to admit to himself it's hard not to have his arms around you all day.

He's hesitant in trying to wake you, especially when you look so peaceful, but he knows if he doesn't you'll be up all night long. He reaches over and brushes your hair away from your face, letting his fingers trail over the strands a few moments more before he moves closer to run a tentative finger across your cheek. Your nose scrunches up against the blanket in offense at the gentle intrusion and he has to bite his lip to keep another chuckle from tumbling out of his mouth. He debates on saying something to coax you out of your sleepy state, but then your drowsy eyes pop open, first one and the other follows a second later. They're unfocused and you're frowning until you catch him peering down at you with an amused smirk. You smile sheepishly, licking your lips as you lift your head a little to get a better look at him before letting it drop down again and scooching closer towards the edge of the couch and him.

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