'Moving in'

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"It's beautiful!" I squealed.

"I know! They just finished making this house too so we are the first ones to live here!" Jade squealed with me. (Jade has been my bestfriend sense highschool, she understands me the most.)

"Okay girls, lets go take these boxes inside!" Savannah smiled. ( I like to call her Sav )

"First dibs on the biggest room!" Hannah exclaimed as she ran right passed us.
Everyone ran following behind her, I was about to run until I tripped over the side walk and spilled my moving box.

"Hey Sav! I could use some help please." I waved for Savannah.

"Everyman for himself! Sorry! I need that room!" Savannah continued to run.

"Thanks." I looked at my knee and noticed I scraped it pretty bad. Crap. The one day I decide to wear shorts. I grabbed my box and continued packing again.

"Need help there?"
I looked up to see a boy in a beanie, he is kinda cute.

"No I don't." I said sarcastically. The boy bent down to help me.

"Sorry, that was a dumb question." The boy chuckled. I kinda felt bad for being snobby in the beginning, but it's just the way I am I guess.

"I'm Colby." He smiled as he put my beanie in my box.

"I'm y/n" I smiled.

"That's a nice name." He smiled as he put the last object in the box.

"Thanks. Never heard anyone name Colby, but I like it." I said as I closed the box. He got up and helped me up.

"I better get going." I waved bye.

"Wait," he grabbed my hand, "I live next door, maybe we can hang out?"

I don't know if this guy thinks he has a chance with me. I don't like that fact that he is grabbing my hand but for some reason, I couldn't pull away.  I nodded my head and dashed inside. I can't start catching feelings now, I'm not ready. At least, I don't think I am?

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