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4:34 pm


Max Mayfield practically fell down the stairs to shove her boyfriend back out the front door and slam it closed behind him.

"Hey!" He said indignantly.

Max leaned against the door. "You can't see me until tonight at 7, Wheeler, that's the deal!"

Mike was dumbfounded. "It's going to take you three hours to get ready?"

Max hesitated. "No!"

She could feel him smirking at her, and her cheeks heated up as he said, "Uh huh."

"Shut up!" Was her reply, and then, "Leave, or I'll sic El on you!"

"Wait a second, El's there too?" He demanded.

"No!" Max said frantically, looking behind her to see El pressing her hands over her mouth to keep from giggling. "No, she's not!"

"I think you're a big, fat liiiiarrr." He was smirking at her again, she could feel it.

She ignored him. "Look, just go hang out with Lucas or something!"

"Lucas is being weird lately. He doesn't wanna hang out with me."

Max exchanged a look with El, who cringed. He was still trying to win Max's favor back, but Max wasn't interested.

Besides, why would she be when she had Mike?

"Just go do something!" Max said exasperatedly.

"Fine. You better be looking pretty damn good when I see you though."

Max felt heat rise to her cheeks, but before she could reply she heard his feet shuffle away from the front door, and were gone.

She spun around, her eyes lighting up as El said, "Come on, let's go to Joyce's for dinner, and then we'll come back here!"

So she let El grab her hand, and they raced up her stairs to her bedroom, the door slamming behind them.

5: 38 pm

"Oh girls, hi!" Joyce said, letting them inside. "Soup was just finished–"

Max and El were already thundering towards the table, sliding into seats and beginning to  eat.

"Where's Jonathan?"

Joyce sighed. "Out with Nancy. I think Steve said he would be over at your house in a few minutes."

Max and El both choked on their soup. "A few minutes!?"

Joyce looked bewildered. "Well, yes, but I–"

El was already grabbing Max by the wrist and yanking her towards the door.

"Bye Mrs. Byers! Thanks for– well, everything!"

6:45 pm

"No, no, no! I'm telling you man, bows are stupid. Ribbons are where to go with El."

Dustin Henderson and Steve Harrington were standing in the midst of Max's bedroom, clothes strewn all over the floor and makeup on the bed.

El crossed her arms. "I'm not wearing a bow, Harrington! Case closed!"

Steve rolled his eyes. "Fine." He held up two different colors of ribbons in front of Dustin. "Which one goes better with her hair?"

Dustin considered, and then picked blue.

30 minutes later, each girl was dressed and ready for the night– which consisted of a double date between Will Byers and Mike Wheeler.

There was a loud banging on the door, and each girl flew down the stairs, Max flinging the door open to see her boyfriend standing there, grinning crookedly at her.

His eyes scanned her outfit, and then locked onto her face. "Well, I'm glad I'm not disappointed."

Her face split into a smile and she threw her arms around him, pulling him in for a hug.

Before they could depart however, they heard a shout.


Mike turned, slinging his arm around Max's shoulders, and saw Lucas Sinclair coming up the lawn.

"Fuck." El muttered, and Mike shot her a curious look as Will jabbed her in the ribs.

"Lucas!" Mike said, waving. "Where were you? I haven't seen you in—"

"I don't care, alright?" Lucas snapped, stopping feet away from them, and Mike's brow wrinkled.

"Are you okay?"

"No, I'm not okay!" He said, and barreled on before Mike had a chance to answer. "You and Max aren't good together!"

Mike stared at him, dumbfounded. "Excuse me?"

Lucas stood his ground. "You heard me."

There was a dead silence, and Max opened her mouth to speak when Mike held up a hand to stop her, angry color rising to his cheeks.

"And what gives you the authority to decide if me and my girlfriend are good together or not?" He said sharply.

Lucas pressed his lips together, and opened his mouth, but no words came out.

"Exactly, you fuckwad." Mike sneered. "You may be my best friend Sinclair, but if you ever attack me or my girlfriend, I will send you and your pathetic ego to hell."

He shoved past Lucas's shoulder, and when they were finally a distance away from him, nearing their bikes, Max said softly, "Thanks, Mike."

He kissed the side of her head, and put his arm back around her.

"Anytime, Zoomer."


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