Indigo Abernathy

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Name: Indigo Faith Abernathy

Age: 22


Indigo sat in a cab, looking out the window as the desert landscape rushed by. It was about six in the morning and all she could think about was how she would love to crawl into a warm bed and close her eyes. Instead she was on her way to the local airport, ready to run again.

Over the past year or so Indigo Abernathy had been to more countries than she could count on both hands. She had seen England, Ireland, Russia, Italy, Egypt, and what seemed like a million others all in the span of eleven months. Why? Because she had always wanted to travel the world and besides, she had no home to go back to anyway.

She dug a little bag of almonds out of her bag and popped one in her mouth. She had stocked up on food for the flight the night before, but she was too hungry to save all of it for the plane.

"Everything will be better in France," she sighed to herself and and closed her eyes so she could better imagine the Paris skyline.

"What was that miss?" the taxi driver looked at her in his rear view mirror.

She smiled a little and waved him off, "Nothing. It was nothing."

When they arrived at the airport it was nothing special. More of a small airplane hanger than an airport at all. The only aircrafts she could picture taking off from this place were small personal ones. Indigo sighed in relief. This was her favorite way to travel because it was only her and the pilot. If something went wrong saving one person was much easier than one hundred.

Indigo grabbed the small bag she always traveled with, paid the taxi driver and walked over to see if anyone was around. When she got to what looked like an office she saw a sign on the door that read:

"Hanger Times:
Mon - Fri : 9 AM - 9 PM
Sat - Sun : 1 PM - 1 AM"

She sighed, trying to remember what day it was. "Saturday," she frowned, looking at her watch, "Great." The cab ride had only taken about an hour, making it seven in the morning. That gave her six hours until they opened.

She looked around for a good place to sit and rest her eyes and ended up deciding on a little square of concrete that would be shaded by a large tree when the sun came up. Indigo sat down and leaned up against the tree.

She didn't bother trying to get comfortable, she was too exhausted. Instead she closed her eyes and fell straight to sleep.

In her dream she was sitting at a table under the Eiffel Tower, sipping tea and eating a croissant. The sun was high in the sky and the air was warm and light.

"I don't think it gets better than this," she smiled and looked over at a guy sitting across the table from her. He was tall and blonde and had a supermodel smile. He was perfect.

"Well if this is the best it gets, that's alright with me," he took her hand and gently squeezed it. She blushed and looked down at her tea.

"Are you here for a flight?" the man asked, letting go of her hand.

"What?" she looked up in confusion as the dream faded away and her eyes fluttered open.

"I said are you here for a flight?" a shorter man with dark curls and an awkward smile reached down to help her up.

She nodded and then looked around, noticing how dark it was, "Shit. What time is it?" She jumped up, ignoring his outstretched hand and grabbed her bag from next to her on the ground.

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