Arcee pov
I woke up in a umfamiliar room, wait a mintue this is Wheeljack's room!?
I tryed to get off the berth I was laying on but a servo held me down I looked to see that it belonged to wheeljack. I got up and ran out of the room, i have no clue how I got in there. But what the hell. I slowly walked out to the main room to see, no one I looked at the clock. It 5:27am.
Hi, i kinda just stood there thinking for a bit until I heard the voice
"Arcee what are you doing up so early?" It's was Rachet. "I dont know, i went to check up on knockout but something knocked me out and then I woke up in wheeljack's quarters" I saied with a shrug. "Did he not tell you?" Rachet asked "Tell me what?" I asked back
"That he likes you" I looked at Rachet liked he got 40 heads
"By Primues, so dose bee," he said "Don't be so surprised, bee got hurt so I put him in staties. When he woke up he was really light head. Like if you drank spiked energon, he started saying gibberish. And you walked by to go train with bulk, and after you wear down the hall he told me that he likes you and wants to good hand and mushy stuff like that"
"Ok," i rubbed wear my nose would be if I had one "I am going back to sleep, see you later Rachet" I walked down the hall and passed knockout who looked better "Hello arcee" be saied
"Hello knockout" I replied
As i walked back to my quarters and i saw wheeljack at my door "Hey arcee, i want to apologize for what I did I was drunk. Do you forgive me?" He saied
"Yeah I forgive you" i gave him a part on the back as i entered my room I saw that my desk was missing a picture, it was a picture of me and bee Miko took of me and printed it out. It was a was just gone. I thought nothing of it, but I just kinda of cleand up my room. I made my berth, cleaned up my desk and washed up my armor. I also waxed the inside of my chest armor so I felt good when i put it on.i looked at the clock when I was done, and it was only 5:58. I went out back to the main room and saw knockout sitting on a crate, Rachet typing on the computer and Optiums talking to Rachet. I sat down next to knockout "How's it going knockout?" I asked him
"Been better, but now that your here I feel better"
"Well that's good to kn-" I stoped mid sentence
"Knockout, your Optics are bu-bule"
He looked so happy, he jumped up grabed me and gave me a big hug! "Arcee i have bule Optics! They are bule!" He ran to Rachet and was so happy he was speaking gibberish "My opgsur aryv bdib! Mtg qkpc we vny!" He was yelled. He picked me up again and gave me a kiss on the lips on front of Rachet, Optiums, Bulkhead and bee who's wings wear dropping
And knockout who after realizing what he had done instantly let go of me and his face was instantly cover in bule blush, and so was mine.
"YESSSSSSSSSS! MY SHIP IS SAILING!" Miko tells on the top of her lungs. Rachet and Optiums just smiled and went back to what they wear doing and bee went back to his quarters and and Bulk just patted knockout on the back I kind of just sat down "Good job knockout! Arcee has never been more embarrassed"

::Transfromer Prime:: Arcee And Knockout
Fanfiction"I love you Arcee!" "Well so do I, partner" A love story between Arcee and Knockout What will the path if fate lead them? I dont own anything but the story Cover art is not mine, it belongs the original artist