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everything was changing but changing was not everything to jun, or was it?

junhui wen, vita east high school's legendary student, found himself at the center of the world, amongst the issues of it as well as his peak of adolescence, etc

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junhui wen, vita east high school's legendary student, found himself at the center of the world, amongst the issues of it as well as his peak of adolescence, etc.
— and though it should've been rewarding, it all came dwindling down since the substituting head director of school hates him and tells him he should grow up. many scholarship and university lectures follow but the only thing he finds himself introduced to is the threat of joy,
that perhaps all these years of enjoying what he does was simply pointless. senior year should be a breeze but with the list of demands from his band director, his parents, the burden of having to use his own knowledge to help others (not that he's selfish, he's just lazy), succumbing to the torturous school system, and the normalcy of his malaise being threatened, with
especially this one person... might just make this year as severe as an f5 hurricane gust.

(introducing high school senior! junhui wen...
featuring a scatter of svt assimilated and
dispersed across the bay area in ca, us)


to everyone who doesn't know what to do with their lives

threat of joy | wen junhuiWhere stories live. Discover now