Y/n was a nice, sweet, and cute girl. She had a best friend named Hana. In school Y/n got straight A's. Everybody loved her... except for this one girl named Mimi. Y/n and Kenzie didn't like her either because they thought Mimi was a know it all...
I was awake. But I couldn't open my eyes for some reason. I kept trying until I got tired of trying so I tried one last time and it worked. Everything is white. After my eyes adjusted I looked around the room I was in. I was in a... hospital?! Nobody was in the room. The last thing that I remembered is that I got stabbed. I got up from the bed but I fell, it felt like I didn't use my legs for months 'weird' I thought. I got up after a couple of tries. I went in the bathroom and looked at myself in the mirror and I noticed something.
'Was my hair this long before?' I thought. I turned on the sink and drank the water. Than I splashed water on my face. I walked out of the bathroom and found my bag I had and changed my clothes.
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I walked out of the room to only see the walls and floor covered with glass and... blood?! I walked down the hall. Than I saw a guy just standing there like if he was daydreaming (daydream daydream) i didn't want to walk up to him cuz he looked scary so I talked from afar.
"Hey mister?" I yelled and he looked at me. I was so shocked. His cheek was all cut up.
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'H-he's a z-zombie?!' I thought. Than all of a sudden he started to run to me. I got so scared than I ran away from him. I turned the corner and there was glass everywhere. I was going so fast that I couldn't stop, than I stepped in the glass and I was bleeding because I didn't wear any shoes. I fell on the floor hurting my butt. I saw the guy coming closer and closer so I screamed. When he was only 5 feet away from me some boy came out and stabbed him with a knife in his head. He was handsome. Than he helped me up.
"T-thank you" I said to him.
"Your welcome" he said with a bunny smile.
"H-how long have I been here?" I asked him.
"You don't know what's going on out there?" He asked while pointing at the far window. I shook my head.
"I woke up on a hospital bed earlier" I said to him.
"What was the last thing you remember?" He asked me
"The last thing that I remember was when I got stabbed by a girl" I said.
"Oh, ok. What year was it when you got stabbed???" He asked me.
"Ummm... 2017" I said and his eyes widened.
"It's 2019, right now" he said and my mouth dropped.
"I've been in a come?!" I asked him.
"I'm guessing so" he said. "Ok so you know what that guy was right?" He asked me.
"Yea, a z-zombie?" I said/asked.
"Yup it all started 1 year ago." He said to me and I nodded my head.
"So what's your name?" I asked him.
"It's Jungkook, and yours?" He asked me.
"It's Y/n" I said
"Nice to meet you Y/n" He said and shacked my hand.
"Nice to meet you Jungkook"
"Ok let's get that feet of your cleaned up" he said while looking at my bleeding foot.
"Yea" I said and looked at my feet too.
After he cleaned my foot and put a bandage on it, he gave me a pair of sneakers that I don't know were he got them from.
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"Ok let's go to the others."
"Others?" I asked
"Yes others, my group." He said and I nodded. We started to walk down the stairs to the main lobby and there I saw 3 other boys. We walked up to them.
"Hey guys this is Y/n. She was in a coma and just woke up today." Jungkook explained to the 3 guys.
"Hello Y/n" A guy said with broad shoulders.
"Hello" I said and smiled.
"Let me introduce myself. I'm Jin." Said the one with broad shoulders.
"I'm Namjoon" Said the one with dimples.
"I'm Yoongi" Said the one that looked tired.
"You know what's going on right?" Jin asked.
"Yes I do" I Said with a sad expression.
"Well come on we need the supplies" Namjoon said.
"Ok we'll separate. Me and Namjoon, Yoongi by himself and Jungkook and Y/n" Jin said.
"Ok let's go. Meet us back here in 45 minutes. And do not let the zombies get near you!" Namjoon said.
"Ne, Namjoon" Everyone said.
We all split up and when to different floors. Me and Jungkook went to the 3rd floor, Jin and Namjoon went on the 2nd floor and Yoongi searched the main floor. Me and Jungkook found some food, batteries, flashlights, med kits and knives. After 45 minutes we're up me and Jungkook went to the main floor were we all were suppose to meet. When we got there we saw Jin and Namjoon there but not Yoongi. We all wanted for him for a good 10 minutes and we were all getting worried.
"Where is he?" Jin asked nervously. Than we heard a man scream.
"Who said that?" I asked.
"RUN!!!" The man said again and when we turned our heads were the sound was coming from we saw Yoongi running and when we looked behind him there was... zombies?!
Yeaaa....I'm sorry for not updating I'm a longggg ass while, I thought ppl didn't like this book since there was little ppl reading it but for the ppl that did want a update here you go, hope y'all enjoy, but idk if I'll continue this book, let me what y'all think😊💜