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By the time I wake up I'm still in Holly bed with Holly, herself, gone.

Rubbing my eyes I pull myself up into a sitting position.

6:57 the white clocks reads on Holly's wall. I've been sleeping for almost 4 hours. How sleepy was I?

Bing! my phone goes off next to me. I pull out to see Josie has texted me.

Josie <3 :D

I got you're info. sent at 6:58 p.m.

What info? sent at 6:58 p.m.

Seconds after I send my text Josie starts calling my phone.

"We are going through a crisis here and you don't know what info I'm talking about" Josie speaks even before I could finish my hello.



"What a-about him?" I pull myself off of Holly's bed.

"Dear Sky." she sighs before continuing. " Your moving and won't be staying for the whole trip"

"Is Cole s-sad about t-that? I can c-call him."

"Uh. No!" she says too quick."One, Cole not sad, he's mad. And two, no one can find him."

"What?" I furrow my brows walking out of Holly's room.

"Yea. Left, around 5"

I jog into my room to throw on a jacket and shoes, then head to the front door.

"I'm g-going to find him. You g-get in c-contact with Becca and Holly." I instantly panic. What do I do?


"Does F-finn know?" I run my fingers through my hair, then zip up my jacket, shaking.


"D-did you tell his p-parents yet" I'm starting to sweat. Last thing I do is put on my shoes before opening my front door.

"SKY!" Josie yells in my ear.

"Ouch. What?" I look in front of me to find a person on our porch step with his back turn towards me.

"He should be at yours"

Ohhhh....it's Cole.

He slowly turns around to face me with puffy eyes.

"Um. I-i'm going to go." I tell Josie.

"Ok. Bye"

"Bye" I hang up, putting my phone into my pocket.

"Hi" his voice is shaky.

"H-hey" I lean against the doorway.

"I heard about you leaving soon"

I intwine my fingers together and nod my head slowly.

"I wish you wouln..." Cole bites his lip. "I want you to stay here"

Clearing my throat I shake my head, hiding my eyes from his.

"Why?" his voice raises. "Why do you have to? I've been w-w..."

I hear Cole start to hiccup.

This must mean a lot to him. I didn't even know how much he actually cared.

"I've waited and finally your here. A completely different person, but you're here. You don't know how long I've waited."

I look up back into his eyes to see tears flowing down his face. It breaks my heart to see him like this.

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