Chapter 1: The Fights

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Marinette's POV

Alya and I had got to school early, and went straight to the class. Alya sat down at our desk immediately, ignoring the greeting from Adrien and Nino. I on the other hand, mustered a 'hi' to Nino and stuttered as Adrien waved.

"God! I'm so close to finding out who Ladybug is!" Alya whispered as I sat next to her.

"Wait, what?!" I screamed. This caused some people to stare at me, but I didn't really care.

Alya looked up at her phone. "Oh! I was researching yesterday and am trying to find out who Ladybug is." She explained super nonchalantly. I stood up in my seat causing even more stares.

"You can't do that!"

"How come?" Alya stood up as well, and put her hands on her hips.

"Because. . . What if she doesn't want you to know." 

"I know she'd want her biggest fan on Earth to know!" Alya shot back.

"We, I-I don't think she'd want you to know!" I screamed. The entire class was looking at us now, but it felt like just me and Alya in that room.

"Why? She would never tell you! You'd probably go post about it somewhere on your blog, and she'd be swarmed with people! Do you even know how hard that would be! The poor girl!" 

"Why in the hell do you care so much! You are taking this way too fucking personal!" I flinched at her profanity. Alya barely ever swears. The last time she swore was when she broke her ankle running last year, and that was out of pain, not anger. 

"I'm taking it personal because I know how stressful it probably is for her! The poor girl! I'd hate to have you know!" I was yelling at top volume. Her expression dropped a little, and she looked taken aback. But after a nanosecond, she was back to ridiculing me.

"Stressful for her! Think how stressful it is for everyone else! They still haven't caught Hawkmoth! And you have the nerve, the audacity to say it is stressful for her?! I didn't know you were so naive." Alya was screaming at the top of her lungs too, and she over powered my voice a little. My heart hurt a little.

"I'M NOT NAIVE!" I was yelling at full volume. "You are probably stressing her out! You and your, your stupid blog!" I shot at her, and it went through her heart. I could tell she was wounded by my insult.

"Why are being such a fucking bitch?!?!?!" The entire class gaped at Alya's statement. Sure, they had heard swearing, it was quite common at their school, but not so common from Alya. Alya was tearing up now, and a single angry and sad tear slipped from my eyes.

"Why would you say that?!" I whisper screamed. A couple more tears slipped from my eyes. Alya's face dropped as she heard me speak.

"Mari, I-I didn't m-" she started reaching her hand towards me.

"Stop! Why aren't you screaming at me?! What changed your mind!? Why do you wanna be nice to a-a-a fu-,  the name you called me?!" I was not happy. I was mad, sad, scared, nervous, freaked out, and my self esteem dropped so much. I felt vulnerable, and that is not a good thing to be when you are a super hero.

"Mari, you know I didn't m-" she started again, but was interrupted by me running out of the room. I ran all the way down the hall to the abandoned janitor closet where Alya, Nino, Adrien and I hung. I slid my back down the wall. I was so mad. 

I swear, the next person I saw, I'll murder them.

Adrien's POV

Marinette ran out of the room to what I'm assuming, the bathroom. Alya immediately dropped to her knees and cried. Nino ran to Alya and crouched down next to her. He rubbed her back in a soothing manner, and said something in her ear. Alya and Nino stood up after a minute, and sat at Marinete and her desk.

"Shows over people!" I shooed the attention away from my friend who was in a terrible situation. People respected my wishes and looked away, but I just know they turned and talked to other people about the whole ordeal. I sat on the other side of Alya, so she was in between me and Nino.

"I didn't mean to say all that shit! I got so mad. I even used bad language." She ranted.

"It's alright, Alya. Mari will be fine in a while. She's tough! And you'll be back to being best friends!" Nino put a comforting hand on her shoulder. 

"Thanks Nino." She said looking him right in the eyes. They stared for a second until Alya sat up in her seat.

"Oh my god! What if she gets akumatized?! I can't be the cause of an akuma attack! I'm not like Chloe!" Alya started freaking out.

"It's ok. I'll go check on her." I pushed the worried Alya back into her seat. 

I ran out the door to the bathroom. When I knocked and nobody answered, I assumed she wasn't in there. I then had an idea where she could be. I ran to the janitor closet where Alya, Nino, Marinette, and I sometimes eat lunch. I knocked on the door that was closed.

"Go away." The familiar voice demanded. I couldn't leave her alone to be akumatized, so I went in.

"I thought I told you to go the hell away." She told me facing the wall. Her tone was harsh and to the point. She was super mad, the perfect target for Hawkmoth.

"I couldn't just leave you alone. How are you?" I tried to stay calm as I crouched down beside her. Me being home schooled and all, I didn't really ever have to deal with a situation like this. I tried taking the Nino approach. I put my hand on her shoulder, but she slapped it away harshly.

"Again, I thought I told you to go the hell away." She repeated more anger in her voice than the first time. 

"I couldn't stay away from a friend." I said. Instead of her turning around and hugging me like I expected she would, she turned around and slapped me. Right. In. The. Face. A stinging sensation filled my right cheek. I put my hand to my cheek that was now throbbing.


"I-I-" I started, but much like with Alya, she interrupted.

"I don't need another mess in my life to try and fix another mess in my life! I've calmed a bit, and I'm not gonna get akumatized. I'd like to be left alone rancher than have you try and cheer me up. I just don't want to be with you right now. You're just another reminder of my mistakes, and I'd rather not deal with three problems today." She stood up, like nothing just happened, and walked away.

I sat in awestruck. That entire conversation was brutal. What did she mean mess? Was I not a good friend? My cheek started to sting again, and I realized I screwed up bad. I am a terrible person. A terrible model. A terrible friend. A terrible comforter. A terrible student. A terrible son. I'm terrible at most things I do, too. I am a walking, talking, breathing, mess. Marinette was right. Everything she said was spot on. 

I didn't even notice the tears strolling down my cheeks. Or the dark purple butterfly that landed on my ring.

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