Chapter 6 - Ceremony

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Joules POV

"Bye!" I shouted at Ciara as I closed the front door of her house. After the falling incident, Ciara and I had become somewhat close.

I shoved my hands deep into the pockets of one of Cerin's oversized, just on me, hoodies. This place was nowhere near cold but I always felt uncomfortable walking around alone surrounded by demons and wearing a hoodie made me feel more secure.

My eyes glanced up on instinct at one of the demons as we passed by each other on the dark red stone street. His eyes met mine, a fiery anger filling them.

"What are you looking at?" The demon barked, grabbing onto my shoulder harshly.

"I-um..." I stuttered, losing all words. His grip tightened and quickly became painful.

"Please let go. I didn't mean to offend you." I said, trying to pull out of his vice like grip. The air around us changed, making it almost harder to breath. The demon growled at me before lifting his head into the air, noticing the shift.

A red and orange flame erupted to the side of us, revealing Cerin inside. The expression on his face could kill. He stepped out of the flame and stared the demon down. The demons eyes widened and he began backing away, clearly terrified.

The demon opened his mouth to reason with the much larger man but before any sound could escape, Cerin landed a skull crushing blow to his face. I jumped and gasped at the vicious sound. The demon fell to the ground, unconscious and bleeding. His nose definitely wasn't in the right spot.

Cerins eyes turned to me, filled with worry but still holding the core anger. He wrapped his arms around my small frame and let flames burst around us. When the flames died down, we were standing in our bedroom.

"Are you okay baby?" Cerin asked, turning my face from side to side.

"I'm okay." I smiled, setting a hand on his cheek. He leaned into it and let his hands side away from my face, down to my shoulders. I flinched when his hand hit the spot the demon had been holding.

Cerins eyes grew hard. He hooked his fingers under the seam of the hoodie and pulled up quickly. I rose my arms begrudgingly. Cerins warm hand grabbed my side to keep me still as he ran two fingers over the large bruise. It was a lot bigger than I thought it would be. Cerin glared at the bruise as if it had punched him in the face.

"I should have killed him." Cerin growled, pulling me flesh against him.

"I'm okay." I whispered into his chest, wrapping my arms around his waist. The hair on my arms stood up when I felt Cerins tongue run over my abused shoulder.

"Cerin stop, that's so gross." I whined, a giggled escaping my lips when he just shook his head in response. Cerin hooked his arms under me and hoisted me up. He dropped me carefully onto our bed before continuing to lick the black and blue area. Once Cerin was satisfied with his work, he tangled his legs with mine and curled around me. We laid in silence, taking in each other presence.

"We're going to have a ceremony." Cerin mumbled into my hair.

"What?" I asked, looking up at him.

"A ceremony. My father had one for my mother, making her the official Queen of the Underworld. The demons will know you're mine then." Cerin explained, meeting my gaze. "They won't mess with you again."

"I'm not gonna have any friends down here." I joked.

"That's fine, you have me." Cerin smiled, pressing his lips to mine in a small but sweet kiss.

"Time to get ready." Cerin said after breaking the kiss. I groaned at the thought of having to dress up in fancy clothes.

Hours later, Cerin and I were standing on a balcony, staring out across a sea of demons. Like Cerin and most of the demons, I had been dressed in dark clothes. A pair of black tight jeans and a dark gray silk shirt covered my body.

The ceremony went by fast. Cerin said few words while the crowd kept completely silent. A female demon walked out from behind us, carrying a semi-small back case. Cerin opened it and pulled out a necklace. It had a beautiful purple, glowing stone attached to it.

Cerin gave me a sweet smile before hanging it around my neck. After that, two identical bracelets were removed from the box. Each had the same kind of purple gem placed neatly every few notches. Lastly, Cerin pulled out a matching head accessory. It held three of the beautiful gems. Cerin set it carefully on my head before grabbing my hand and turning to the crowd.

They erupted in cheers and clapping. Cerin said a few more words before dismissing the girl with the case and leading me back inside. I played with one of the bracelets as we walked slowly back to our room.

"These are really pretty." I commented.

"They are. They were my mother's, my father had them made for her for this very occasion." Cerin said, giving my hand a squeeze. I smiled to myself and leaned closer into his side.

"She liked purple." Cerin said, a far away look in his eyes.

"It's a good color." I agreed. We walked in silence for a few moments longer before our bubble was popped. 

"That was beautiful!" Ciara yelled, flying circles around Cerin and I.

"Yes, it was and it was a very important moments. You'd think we would want some time to ourselves." Cerin said, frustrated.

"You aren't even in your room yet. Don't tell me you were going to have sex out here." Ciara joked in disgust. Cerin dropped my hand and lunged at Ciara, missing by a millimeter. I laughed at their antics.

Cerin must have caught my laugh because he turned to me with a smile. It quickly disappeared when Ciara hit him in the back of the head. I held in a giggle as he growled and filled the entire hallway with deep red flames. I calmly walked forward and let him trap me in his arms. Cerin wasted no time teleporting us away from his sister. He plopped us onto the bed and let the nice silence fall over us once more.

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