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Learning how to use a gun was a lot easier than I originally thought it was going to be. Within a couple of days, it felt natural for me to hold a pistol. The warm metal after a shot was fired didn't bother my skin. Of course, I didn't like to use it, but I did like the feeling.

You could say I've come a long way in the past five months. I'm no longer a damsel in distress that needed to be walked to class. I'm not the girl who wants what she always wanted. I've changed. I have done a total 180. My friends before barely know who I am now. I look in the mirror and I barely regonize myself. But all this change was necessary. If I stayed the safe girl that I was, I would be dead.

My senior year was supposed to be filled with fun. Maybe a little stress here and there, but overall, it was supposed to be one of the best years of my life. The first semester was great. I picked out my college, University of California, ordered my cap and gown, and got dorm reservations for next year. Then I turned 18 on the last day of winter break, January 8th. Second semester was nothing like the first. I fell in love, and I got my heart broken. I was a damsel turned survivor. I was wiser, stronger.

But, I'm getting ahead of myself. Let's start the morning I was an official adult.

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